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"DECLARATION of WAR" - Doug Perry.

Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

NOTE: Doug Perry has certainly been coming out with some
stirring 'battle-cries' lately. Visit his web-site at the end of this article.

-by Doug Perry.

For too long we've ignored what was going on in the church. For too
long we've sat out or even denied there was a war. We've been
infiltrated. We've been co-opted. We've been dumbed down. We’ve
had our greatest weapons ridiculed and demeaned until nobody
wants them anymore. This is no kind of way to fight a war.

We've allowed ourselves to be fattened up and we've planted roots.
We've been herded together in big groups like cattle and we bump
around against each other making useless noises. Wolves have
come in and we’ve welcomed them. We've accepted aid from the
enemies of God. We've taken the enemy's advice about how to
make war. We’ve hired consultants to show us how to be more
like the world.

We've ignored our own King's plan. We've sent a pitiful few
skirmishing parties out to do the work of missions for us and
patronized them when they come home wounded and hungry.
We've given all the ammunition to the supply clerks back home
and deprived the infantry of what they needed to push back the
darkness. Everything about what we’re doing is upside down.

No more will we take on the names and philosophies of men to
define and identify us. No more will we allow factions over
secondary issues to divide us. We are to be OF Jesus and Him
alone. Only He gets to put His brand on us. Only He gets to
direct us. Only He is truth. This is war! Nothing else can be
trusted. His is the unbreakable cypher. Pure, full, uncut Truth
cannot be spoken by the enemy. Truth and Love are our uniform,
our code, our defining characteristic. Only Truth and Love will
suffice for battle against principalities and forces of darkness.

No more will we waste time on our own vain pleasures and
indulgences. No more will we allow the egos and pride and
traditions and philosophies of Man to divide us. We will love
Truth and settle for nothing less. We will learn to sniff out and
purge compromise and half-truths. We will force out of us every
bad dark thing by being completely filled with the Bread of Life.
We will be nourished by Truth. We will be armored by Truth.
We will swing the Sword of Truth in big wide circles and pierce
the hearts of anyone near. We will fight and not grow weary. We
will charge forward and never retreat. Should one slip, others will
lift him up. Should one fall, others will take his place.

No more. It ends now. We'll fight with love to awaken our brethren
who are asleep and get them in fighting form. We will push back
the darkness by speaking nothing but TRUTH. It is rare and
precious - and only Jesus is the source. Every man-made thing
will burn off in the fire.

As Gideon, we will lovingly restore our own altars first while the
people are sleeping. Then we can rally a restored, awakened people
to fight the forces of darkness. Those on the front lines that have
proven themselves good and faithful servants and stewards of their
talents will be provisioned with a hundred times their own needs so
that they can feed the hungry and give drink to the thirsty as they
see any need. We will pray and encourage and support them and
recruit more. We will always strive to continue growing up into
Jesus, who is the Head.

In view of the great mercy shown us by Jesus Christ, we will offer
our bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God. We will
stop conforming to the pattern of this world. We will be transformed
by the renewing of our minds so that we will be able to test and
approve what is God’s good, pleasing and perfect will. Then we’ll
go and do it.

I Corinthians 14:8 "Again, if the trumpet make an uncertain sound,
who will prepare for battle?"

No more. It ends now. As clear as we can say it, this is war.

~Doug Perry.