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Dedicated Today To The Christian Trucker

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

I spent over 40 years on the road as a trucker so today we have devoted this page to the Christian truckers. Without them we would be in chaos as almost everything moves by truck. Many Christian men and women came across our paths as we travelled down the highways together. With my wife with me the last few years we met so many wonderful friends all over the United States and Canada. Today this page is dedicated to them.
~~~ A Truckers Prayer ~~~
Dear God above bless this truck I drive
And help me keep someone alive
Be my mortal sight this day
On streets where little children play
Bless my helper fast asleep
When the night is long and deep
And keep my cargo safe and sound
Through the hours big and round
Make my judgement sound as steel
And be my hands upon the wheel
Bless the traveler going past
And teach him not to go so fast
Give me the strength for every trip
So I may care for what they ship
And make me mindful every mile
That life is just a little while
~~~ What Is A Trucker? ~~~
Truckers are found on highways, in truckstops, in service bays, on loading docks, on bush roads at fuel stops and often they are the first at the scene of an accident.Their wives/husbands help them. Little boys follow them. Relatives don’t understand them. Meals must wait for them. Weather can delay them.
But nothing can stop them.
A trucker is a paradox. He/She is a blue-jeaned executive with his office in the cab.
He/She is a scientist who hauls dangerous chemicals and explosives, a purchasing agent in a baseball cap, a personnel director with grease under his/her fingernails, a poor eater with fondness for burgers and fries, a student of geography and a weather watcher.
He/She likes sunshine, children, smooth pavement, good traction, clean loads, dinner at home, weekends with his family, an unbuttoned shirt collar and country music.
And there is a special place in his/her heart for his rig.
He's/She's not fond of city traffic, tourists who are rotten drivers, fuel prices, dispatchers, snarly receivers, kids in high powered cars and least of all drunk drivers.
Nobody else gets as much satisfaction out of talking about trucks, truckers, good weather, homemade pie, strong coffee, kids, wives, sweethearts, and the price of fuel.
He/She is your friend and customer. He/She is your source of food, clothing, petroleum and natural resources.
In fact, nearly everything in your life arrived in his truck.
~~~ A Truckers Wife's Prayer ~~~
Dear Lord, stretch out your hand,
place it over and protect my man,
Watch over him for all our sakes.
'Cause he's the best father, and friend
they'll ever make.
While he's out driving on the roads,
picking up and delivering loads,
Send him cheerful happy thoughts when he is alone,
and that we are waiting for him, here at home.
Surely those thoughts will make him smile,
knowing he is closer to home, with each passing mile.
He's out there working hard for us,
so for taking care of him, I thank you, Jesus.
 ~~~ Tribute to A Trucker's Wife ~~~
It takes a special woman to make a truck driver's wife.
It is not easy for God's tender creation to live such a life.
A life where you must be both mother and father while your husband is gone.
When you put your day's work aside, you go to bed alone.
And there lay awake thinking of the day your husband will come home.
You must go about with the strength of a man.
You manage the household, make decisions and plans.
Though as strong as a man, you may not be,
You never let the world know when you're weak.
You always hold your head high and do the best that you can.
When those times come where all things go wrong
And it's no longer possible for you to remain strong.
These are the times your heart quakes with pain
And tears from your eyes fall like torrential rain.
You would that your husband were there to wipe the tears from you face.
You wish you could feel the strength of his arms, his loving embrace.
Greatly you long to know that he cares.
You need to be reminded that he shares your dreams and your fears.
As the pain becomes unbearable, the telephone rings.
You hear the voice of your lover and your heart begins to sing.
As you feel the warmth of his touch thru the telephone wire His words quicken your spirit, rekindle you fire.
You thank God that the chat, no matter how brief
Has come just in time to fend off your grief.
Sometimes in your dreams, I suppose you imagine yourself many great things.
While in your heart you know you will never live in a palace, never be a queen.
But for you to attain highness, of such grandor there is no need.
You already are one of the greatest women the world's ever seen.
You are that special woman it takes to be a truck driver's wife.
I do truly love and thank God I have you as part of my life.
To you, all my love, my darling wife.
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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