Quote from Forum Archives on January 26, 2006, 10:23 pmPosted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>
2 NEW SERMONS at REVIVALSCHOOL.com-[NO CHARGE to download - of course!]
(1) "DEEP DEALINGS OF GOD" (-Testimony) -by Andrew Strom.
-Andrew shares many of the experiences and dealings that he
himself has experienced over the years. -Practical discussion of
things like "How to walk with a clean heart", 'How to renounce
deep strongholds out of your life', "Getting rid of legalism",
'Agonizing prayer', "Deep communion with God", etc.(2) "ALMOST SHOT on the STREETS" - by Darren Smith.
Darren will be one of the speakers at the "GATHERING" in Kansas
City this March. In this message, he tells how a homeless boxer
and a homeless veteran in a wheelchair got between him and an
angry drug dealer with a gun. He also covers "The Why and How
of street ministry", and gives many inspiring accounts of how he
began to minister to the homeless, the prostitutes and the drug
addicts - and what happened. -Powerful.Both of these sermons are in "MP3" format. People usually find
it easiest to "right-click" on the sermon and then click "SAVE
TARGET AS" - to download it onto their computer.To find these messages, simply look on the right hand side of
the following website-
www.revivalschool.comGod bless you all.
Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>
[NO CHARGE to download - of course!]
(1) "DEEP DEALINGS OF GOD" (-Testimony) -by Andrew Strom.
-Andrew shares many of the experiences and dealings that he
himself has experienced over the years. -Practical discussion of
things like "How to walk with a clean heart", 'How to renounce
deep strongholds out of your life', "Getting rid of legalism",
'Agonizing prayer', "Deep communion with God", etc.
(2) "ALMOST SHOT on the STREETS" - by Darren Smith.
Darren will be one of the speakers at the "GATHERING" in Kansas
City this March. In this message, he tells how a homeless boxer
and a homeless veteran in a wheelchair got between him and an
angry drug dealer with a gun. He also covers "The Why and How
of street ministry", and gives many inspiring accounts of how he
began to minister to the homeless, the prostitutes and the drug
addicts - and what happened. -Powerful.
Both of these sermons are in "MP3" format. People usually find
it easiest to "right-click" on the sermon and then click "SAVE
TARGET AS" - to download it onto their computer.
To find these messages, simply look on the right hand side of
the following website-
God bless you all.