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Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

-by Andrew Strom.

There are large sections of the modern 'Prophetic' movement who
for a long time now have bitterly opposed all that David Wilkerson
stands for. They describe him as a "Doom and Gloom" merchant -
always warning of what is coming and calling the nation and the
church to REPENTANCE.

I received an email from some U.S friends awhile ago who had
just gone back to a Pentecostal church after some years. They
told me, "If I bring up David Wilkerson, they all get a hateful,
angry look on their face." Isn't that terribly sad.

Even though David Wilkerson is the one man who has consistently
warned America of cataclysms just like the ones we are seeing,
he is still denigrated. Even though he is proved right, still they
detest him! I think it is because his major message is "REPENT".
And he doesn't pussy-foot around like a lot of these other so-called

When the "God Wants You Rich" prosperity message began to
spread, David was one of the few leaders who publicly refuted it
and called the people to repent from the "love of money". Many
hated him for that. Especially because he is so direct and

And when the 'Toronto Blessing' came along, with churches full
of the most weird and often ugly behaviour - he called it like it
was. He was one of the few (if any) Pentecostal leaders who
actually stood up publicly and refuted this new 'spirit' that was
invading the church. You can imagine how despised he was
for that.

There is a 'Prophetic' movement in the world today that is in
my opinion very far removed from the word 'Prophet'. It sells
truckloads of books and holds untold conferences, but at the
end of the day it is a mealy-mouthed travesty of the word
'Prophetic'. It retains its popularity because it is almost always
"positive" and up-lifting. The voice of an Amos or Jeremiah is
rarely (if ever) heard in its ranks - let alone a "John the Baptist".
It is almost never blunt or confrontational - especially about sin.

A lot of this movement has a chronic obsession with the 'religious
spirit'. Everywhere these people look all they can see are religious
spirits of legalism, pharisaism, etc. Thus they are always talking
about "grace, grace, grace". The words "Sin, Righteousness
and Judgement" are almost a horror to them, because they are
so fearful of being 'religious'. And thus when they come across
a prophet who actually preaches on Sin, Righteousness and
Judgement (-which are the very things Jesus said His Spirit
would CONVICT of), they reject him. Every true prophet that I
know of down through history has been a 'Sin, Righteousness
and Judgement' preacher. So has every true Revivalist. (Finney,
Wesley, Whitfield, Edwards, etc). It is part of the job description!

We have invented a new meaning for the term 'Prophetic' in
our day that is far below the standard of the Bible. And far
below the standard that must be in place to see a true Revival.
I think it was God's spokesman Ezekiel who coined the term
"pillow prophets". That is the last thing that America needs in
her hour of crisis. What is needed are voices who truly tell it like
it is - who WARN the people, no matter what the cost. -A 'clear
trumpet sound'.

David Wilkerson has been just such a voice. And he is almost a
'lone' voice - though thank God he is widely heard. I believe
God has placed him in New York for this very hour - the city
that combines world political power (-The U.N) with world
financial power and world media power. David is "God's man"
in that city - I truly believe this. And if he says that God's
message to America through these tragedies is "REPENT" then
personally I will believe him rather than any mealy-mouthed
'prophet' who says otherwise. I am going to listen to the
"man on the spot".

David hates sin and deception so much, and loves God and
the people so much, that he cannot stand to be silent when
God's heart-truths are being trampled underfoot. That is the
mark of a true prophet. Keep it up, David!

God bless you all.

Andrew Strom.