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Deletion of Bible Notes as Hosted by

Posted by: biblenotes <biblenotes@...>

Dear Bible Notes Subscribers,
Thanks for your patience with me as the Bible Note writer.
I have failed to continue producing Bible Notes as often as in the past. Therefore, will cease to host Bible Notes because of the inactivity. I do wish to thank Glen Stewart, the webmaster at for the years during which he has hosted Bible Notes there.
I might continue to produce Bible Notes through normal email from time to time.
Also, as a reminder, I currently have a message board -- mostly read only -- where I have been posting former Bible Notes.  In case I am unable to save everyone's email address, I would recommend that you contact me by email or by the Bible Notes message board if you would like to continue to receive Bible Notes whenever they might be sent out in the future.
Sincerely Yours in Christ,
Martin Overfield
The Bible Note Writer

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