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DELIVERANCE on the FROZEN STREETS - Detroit (+ photos)

Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

NOTE: It is estimated that there are 744,000 homeless people in
America. Our friends Patrick Ersig and Josef Urban minister to
the destitute on the streets of Detroit (-one of the worst slums I
have ever seen). They continue to see miraculous salvations,
healings and deliverances. Below is a recent Praise Report:

-by Patrick Ersig.

Feb 4 2007: GLORY TO THE LAMB!

It was negative 10F wind chills in Detroit today and is supposed to
be colder tomorrow. Despite the extreme cold there were many
homeless on the streets and we were able to serve over 100 bowls
of stew and preach the word.

A woman who we have been witnessing to lately repented in tears
as conviction from the Holy Spirit hit her with power. She was
addicted to crack and most likely forced into prostitution because
of her bondage and addiction. She was delivered from demons of
addiction on the streets as many people watched. PRAISE THE
LORD!!! She wants us to teach her to read so that she can read
the Bible.

The sad thing is that we have no place to take her right now so we
had to leave her on the streets in the frigid temps and subject to
the drug dealer and pimps. We are working on getting a house to
disciple people who repent and get them out of the elements...

We just got back from the streets. It was 20F degrees below zero
with the windchill - with blowing snow and blizzard like conditions.
We still managed to serve close to 100 bowls of stew and pass
out a couple of dozen hats and gloves. It is dangerous out there in
these temperatures. I gave my gloves away and my fingers hurt
so bad I could barely stand it - I though I had frost bite. Our feet
were in excruciating pain even a half hour after we left - my wife
was crying, her feet hurt so bad - and we're used to the cold
weather and being out in the elements. Like I said, it is dangerous

Here are some pictures of some of the 10,000 homeless people
living on the streets in Detroit:

~Please go to the following website to see the photos:

Or click the heading about the "Detroit Homeless" on the Forum at-