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Dh's first surgery and miscellaneous

Posted by: bossypantsblueeyes <bossypantsblueeyes@...>

Dh had the first of this month's surgeries last Friday. The procedure went well. The surgeon discovered that dh had an extra muscle in his wrist. She called it an "aberrant muscle", said it wasn't supposed to be there, and could have caused the carpal tunnel syndrome on that side. I'm not sure if she left the muscle as she found it or did something with it.
Unlike my mom, dh had quite a bit of pain following the procedure. His fingers were very swollen as well even though his bandage was smaller than my mom's. He went to work today as his supervisor requested his presence since there is an employee situation that has to be handled. He can take his bandage off on Wednesday but will probably wait until Friday just to keep it protected while he's at work. The stitches will be removed when the next surgery is done on October 24.
We had our first fire of the season this morning. A cold front came through here yesterday evening and last night with really strong winds and dark skies. I think our high is supposed to be 60 today.
Last week was crazy busy for us! This week won't be as busy, but there is still a lot going on including a trip to my mom's for me probably Friday morning. She wants me to help her clean out a storeroom, and if her cousin's widow closes on selling her house and buying another one, I'll be helping her move. I am thankful to have four days at home to catch up on chores and get in lots of good school time with the boys. Jacob is about half-way through his Driver's Ed correspondence program and will be getting his permit as soon as we can get him to the MVD. Both boys are doing most of the construction work on a boat and tractor shed being built beside our shop. Dh was able to get a bunch of metal roofing for very little money so the sheds aren't costing much. 
I hope you all have a great week!
Lisa NM


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