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dh's visit with specialist

Posted by: bossypantsblueeyes <bossypantsblueeyes@...>

We saw the hand specialist Wednesday morning to review the results of the nerve testing. She has recommended surgery and soon. So, dh will have carpal tunnel surgery on his left wrist on October 10. Then, on October 24, she will do surgery on the ulnar nerve at the right elbow and wrist. The recovery from the first procedure won't be a big deal, but the second surgery recovery will be much longer and more involved. She said it could take up to a year for that nerve to fully recover. That's what we were told in 2012 as well. This time, the incision she makes will be about twice as long as the one from the previous procedure. Also, since the nerve is now sitting right below the skin at the elbow, she intends to "hide" the nerve in muscle so that it's more protected. The doctor is optimistic that dh will see improvement. I sure hope so! We now have MUCH to do before he loses use of his hand. I think initial recovery can take three months. We would have scheduled the procedure sooner, but we have no firewood for winter and still have repairs that must be done. Dh is ready to have this behind him.
My mom's carpal tunnel surgery is this morning. They said it would only take about 15 minutes so not such a big deal. I will stay with her today and probably go home tomorrow afternoon. 
Lisa NM


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