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Diary.... hmmmmmm A day in my life....

Posted by: amazinggraze <amazinggraze@...>

Well, we get up early. My son goes out to start cleaning up the cow to milk
around 6:45am. I get the bottles ready for the baby goats, and get my goat
milking stuff ready. I usually have some coffee and start my Bible reading.
I head for the barn about 7:15am. We are done with our outside chores
around 8:00am. This includes feeding and haying goats and cows. Letting
out the chickens and opening their nest boxes. Making sure their feeder is
full and checking to see if the nest boxes need fresh straw. Making sure
that everyone has water. We are milking 2 goats and a cow at this point.
We feed babies bottles. We feed the cat and the dog as well. By this time
next month, we will be moving a chicken pen with meat chickens in our yard
and giving them feed and water too. We will also be adding pigs here soon
as well. We have to strain the milk and pasteurize the goats milk for the
babies (CAE prevention). We get the milk into the refridgerator right away,
and wash up bottles, milk buckets, pans we used to pasteurize, etc. Then we
finish our quiet times. Breakfast, and then whatever chores we have to
tackle that day. We do give hay at 2 other points in the day, before
evening chores which start at around 6:45pm and are the same as morning
chores. We skim cream off of yesterdays milk and make butter. We may start
some cheese or yogurt if there is an abundance of milk to be used. I check
my e-mail as a break through out the day. It lets me sit for a few minutes.
I am starting to put in my garden. So, I will be working there from now
until we harvest it. I try to keep up with my dishes. We make bread at
least twice a week. So there is grinding the wheat and making the bread on
some days. I have to gather, wash and put the eggs in cartons. Picking up
the house, vacuuming if it is really bad (or if someone is coming..... 🙂 )
Homeschooling is a part of our day. Ummmmm..... I can't think right now.
Is this the kind of stuff you are wanting to know?

Only by His merciful grace,
Amazing Graze Farms

He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kathie Bartholomew" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2001 3:11 PM
Subject: Re: [HomeSteadHeaven] I'm Here

I don't know if anyone else would be interested, but I would love to peek
into the lives of some of you homesteaders! What might be "boring" to you,
would be very interesting to those of us who only dream of your lifestyle.
Would anyone like to share a page of your diary? This could be such a
blessing. Even if you live in a condo or on a city lot, I know that we
would enjoy hearing what a day is like in your life!