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Different Prayer request

Posted by: dabanks <dabanks@...>

Hi everyone. I have a strange prayer request. My cat is missing. Now I know he is "just a cat", but when him and his sister came to live with us last summer (they came with some goats), they were 8 weeks old and wild as can be. Never been touched by humans except to be caught and put in cages till they arrived here with us. It took us about 5 months of working on a "trust issue" with them and they have turned out to be the greatest cats. I couldn't have asked for better barn cats than those two. Last Thursday was the last day we saw Vissy and I miss him horribly. I take my pony out walking every night and Vissy would always come with us. He would purposely lay down in front of Newman (my pony) and Newman would pick him up and swing him and toss him a few feet and then we would go walking a few more feet and Vissy would come do the same, lay down in front of Newman for him to pick him up by his scruff and toss him. I know, it is weird, but like I said, I miss him and the interaction with him. I have checked the road sides, I have called the shelter. It is unlike him to be gone. He is neutered so he isn't out looking for a female cat. I was just wondering if you all would say a real quick prayer that my Vissy would come home. I am a true animal lover and this breaks my heart horribly. Thanks so much, and blessings to you all. Julie