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Digest and attachments. Please read this....

Posted by: amazinggraze <amazinggraze@...>

Hello all!!!
Some have had problmems with messages coming in the form as attachments. As noted before this sometimes happens when using "Outlook Express" ..this article of information was found at the website.

Some people using Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express report problems viewing
digests - the messages appear as individual file attachments. This problem is
due to Microsoft not properly programming their products according to long-
standing Internet standards.

I have a set of instructions that should alleviate the problem is any want to "fix" the problem. By doing the problem you simply "associate" the file type ".ezm" with Outlook Express so it will open directly.
Here are the instructions for the "Fix":

ok, let's see....go to :My Computer, click view on top menu, go down to file options, click. Then you get a new screen, click the file types tab at the top. You will again get a new screen.Ok, at the top left you see, "registered file types" and below it a list of those file types. What you need to do is this. Start at the top of this list and start clicking one "file type" at a time until the extension ".ezm" shows up beside "extension:" in the "File Type details" which is on below the "registered file types" box. When you see this click "edit".You will again get a new screen. On this screen in the "description of type" box it should say EZM file. In the "content type (mime)" box type this "message/rfc822" minus the quotes. In the "default extension for content type" box make sure it says ".ezm" Below in the action field "big white box" it should already say "OPEN", if it doesn't, try and type it there. Next, Click "new" below the "action" box. You should get a "mini" screen. In this screen, under in the "action" box type this: "open". In the application field below do this : click "browse" you will get another Mini screen, on this screen beside "look in:" make sure it says (C:). When you have (C:) in the "look in:" box, look down to the bigger box of folders, etc. Find "PROGRAMS FILES" , double click it. The you get a new list .. in this box of files, folders, etc find "OUTLOOK EXPRESS", double click it. You will again get a new list of files, folders etc. Double Click "MSIMN", This screen will disapper and you will notice that the "application used to perform action" box is filled in for you now. Click ok. The mini screen disappears. Click close on the next screen, and again on the next screen. You should be back to the "My Computer" Screen now. You are fixed!!!! I am not sure if you will have yo reboot or not, but it wouldn't hurt. I KNOW this sounds like alot, but I detailed it throughly so it would be easily understandable.I sincerely hopes this works for you.

Some have had problems getting to the "Member Archives" at the new site so here is a detailed set of instructions :
Go to the website mentioned above then click on "125+lists"..then, scroll down til you see "HomeStead Heaven" , beside the group title you will see, "suscribe" with is under the heading of "Normal subscriptions" , beside this you see "subscribe" which is under the heading of "Digest Subscriptions" and again, beside this you see "subscribe" which is under the heading of "Web Subscription" and beside this you see "Members Only"...this is the link to our archives. Click on this. You will then be directed to enter a "username" and password. Put "web8142595" in the "username" blank and leave the password blank empty. Voila' you should be there!!!!

If there are any other questions let me know and i will try and help you ....please feel free to contact me.
Angie, List Keeper