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Digitech RP500, etc.

Posted by: twheeler <twheeler@...>

First of all, thanks for all of the insight you folks offered last
week about the different pedal boards, amps, etc. out there. While I
wanted (rather, still do want) to do a nice tube amp like an Orange or
an AC30, I went the low end route for the time being (figured it'd be
more transportable and save some cash).

So, I found a good deal on an RP500 & ordered it. Should be here
today. I'm thinking I'm going to try to keep things pretty simple and
come up with two or three (no more than five) user settings, at least
to start with. I'll probably run the thing in "pedal board" mode
rather than "preset" mode.

So, to that end, does anyone care to share some details on patches
they've created for worship music? Think along the lines of U2
sounds, Tomlin, Redman, maybe a little Third Day, etc.

I'm thinking I'll try something like this:

Select the amp / cabinet (probably start with an AC30). Anyone got
any tried and true settings for the AC30 on the Digitech gear?

Setup a compressor, distortion, chorus, delay, and then reverb. I
played with a modest setup years ago consisting (I think) entirely of
Boss pedals - so, would those models be a good place to start?

So, the way I imagine this thing working is that it will be as if
(sort of, in a solid state kind of way) I'm plugged into an AC30.
I'll just leave that alone & use the 5 effects to change my tone
depending on the song, solos, etc. Once I learn the gear better I
might add a second preset (Fender Twin, Roland Jazz Chorus, etc.). I
know myself well enough to know I've got to keep this relatively
simple or I'll get totally frustrated.

Have I got the right idea here? Looking forward to more input & / or
any specific settings you folks can recommend.

