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Dill pickle recipe

Posted by: mestes <mestes@...>

Sandra Forbes Dill Garlic Pickles for Tomatoes of Cucumbers

In clean, sterilized, quart jars place the following:

sprig dill

1/2 clove garlic

hot pepper

Pack in the cucumbers. Then add:

sprig dill

1/2 clove garlic

hot pepper

Add a pinch of alum the size of a pea.

Heat 2 quarts water, 1 quart vinegar, 1 cup canning salt to a boil.

Fill the jars and seal.

for 1 quart of pickles use 1 c. water, 1/2 c. vinegar, 1/8 c. salt

I really like this recipe. If you don't like hot pickles, use less pepper. The peppers give it a nice bite though.


Applesauce is easy. Just peel and slice the apples and cook in a little water until done, then mash and can. Or, you can run them raw through the blender and can them. They'll cook as they can.
