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Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>


It was just a Christmas Angel, that my Mom put on our
She bought it at a five and dime, when I was only
Each year we'd trim our Christmas tree, with lights
and ornaments.
Then Mom would always tell me, what the Angel
The Angels came to tell the shepherds, of the Christ
Child's birth.
And, Angels are still here with us, to guide us here
on earth.
The Angel on our Christmas tree, was made in such a
That if the light inside burned out, you just threw it
The light burned out when I was twelve, the Angel
would not shine.
But, Mom would not throw it away, she said it looked
just fine.
She loved that little Angel, that she put upon our
She said it didn't need a light, for anyone to see.
Then I grew up, and I moved out to start my family.
And, I'd go home at Christmas time, to help her trim
her tree.
My wife and children went with me, to mom's house
every year.
The house was filled with love and joy, as we shared
Christmas cheer.
The kids would always say to her, "The Angel is burned
Then, she would smile and tell them, what the Angel's
all about.
She told another reason, for it's specialty.
Your daddy picked that Angel out, when he was only
My mother passed away this year, early in the spring.
And then I had the painful task, of going through her
The beautiful old house she owned, was left me in her
We moved back in the summertime, we feel her in it
Early in December, we brought out our Christmas tree.
I went up to the attic, just to see what I could see.
I saw a cardboard box, with markings, "Ornaments and
And in it was the little Angel, that she loved so
I brought the cardboard box downstairs, and showed the
Then they persuaded me to put the Angel on our tree.
We trimmed the tree that weekend, and we talked of
Christmas past.
Then when the tree was finally done, the Angel went on
Every night till Christmas, all the lights were
burning bright.
Except the little Angel, that had longed burned out
her light.
Then on Christmas morning, I arose before the rest.
I had to have my coffee, to be at my very best.
I walked into the living room, my coffee cup in hand.
Then what I saw, so puzzled me, I could not
I just stood in silence, as, my eyes filled up with
The little angel was all aglow, that had been dark for
many years.

The reason for the season

When you think about Christmas what do you think of?
Chances are that you think of Santa Claus and Presents
and Christmas trees. But is that what Christmas is
really about? In the rush and bustle and gift buying
chaos that we have come to know as Christmas, let us
not forget the real meaning of Christmas.

Consider this: Even if you have no religious beliefs
at all, there would be no Christmas without God and
Jesus. At this time of year most people think almost
daily of the jolly fat man in the red suit, but many
of us do not think about Jesus even once during the
Christmas season. Yet Christmas is supposed to be his
birthday, his "celebration".

Also Consider this: Many of the country's that
celebrate Christmas do so as Christians that believe
in the existence of God and Jesus, though for some it
is not Santa Claus that brings gifts at Christmas. For
instance, in Germany, gifts are traditionally brought
not by Santa Claus, but by "Christkindl" or, "The
Christ Child".

Another interesting point is this: As children we all
believe without doubt that Santa Claus exists. As we
grow older most of us cease to believe this, and yet
we do not generally cease to believe in the existence
of God, though in fact there is no more proof of God's
existence that there is of the existence of Santa

Remember, God and Jesus have been part of our
Christmas celebrations for at least two thousand
years, Santa Claus as we know him today, has only been
around for a little more than a hundred years.

Whether you understand the religious connotations of
Christmas or not, there are reminders of its true
meaning everywhere you look, disguised as items we
consider to be quite ordinary. Many of the symbols
that we take for granted as a part of our everyday
Christmas celebrations, have religious connections.
Such as candles and bells. Even the star or angel we
place on the top of our Christmas trees represents the
star the wisemen followed to the manger and the
appearance of the angel Gabriel.

I find it interesting to note too, that many people
that profess to have no religious beliefs at all still
celebrate Christmas in a lavish and enthusiastic way.
If they do not believe in God or Jesus then why do
they celebrate Christmas, a religious holiday at all?

So however you celebrate Christmas, and whatever
beliefs you have, just take a moment to remember the
real meaning of Christmas, give a little thanks to
Jesus and wish him a "Happy Birthday".
author unknown
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara

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