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Directions to the archives Section.....

Posted by: seea <seea@...>

Some have had problems getting to the "Member Archives" at the new site so here is a detailed set of instructions :
Go to the website mentioned above then click on "125+lists"..then, scroll down til you see "HomeStead Heaven" , beside the group title you will see, "suscribe" with is under the heading of "Normal subscriptions" , beside this you see "subscribe" which is under the heading of "Digest Subscriptions" and again, beside this you see "subscribe" which is under the heading of "Web Subscription" and beside this you see "Members Only"...this is the link to our archives. Click on this. You will then be directed to enter a "username" and password. Put "web8142595" in the "username" blank and leave the password blank empty. Voila' you should be there!!!!

If there are any other questions let me know and i will try and help you ....please feel free to contact me.
Angie, List Keeper