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Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

MODERATOR: Below is some discussion regarding
to what extent we need 'leaders' or the 'Body'. (-Of
course, you already know how strongly I believe in
these things). It is a pretty interesting discussion.
There are 2 EMAILS below:

From: "Brenda"

Let me share a vision that I had a while ago that most
closely is akin to what I know regarding the coming
together of the Kingdom of God on earth...

I had a vision of the entire world, as a large globe. Upon
face of this earth were many millions of people. Some
of them were 'marked out' to me by being a darker color
than the others. (I knew this was in order for me to
differentiate them from others on the face of the earth.)
Each one of these individuals was exactly and
completely that: individual. There was not a single
connection between any one of them. BUT, each one
was in total connection with the Mind of the Lord (this
was invisible, but I clearly knew it by the Spirit), and
THAT ALONE is where their relatedness came from.

As I watched, those who were marked out for God
began to form the shape of His living body upon the
face of the earth. Again, no one took direction or
instruction from anyone else, but each person moved
only in response to what he or she heard directly from
the Lord. It was very much as though they were ball
bearings rolling around, all together and yet each one
totally separate. As they each moved independently,
they began to take the congregate form of the Lord
Jesus Christ. This form spread across the face of the
earth. . . now it moved here. . . now it moved there. . .
all in accord with the Spirit of God as He perfectly
directed each individual. As they were directed by Him,
the body moved in unbelievable true harmony--it was
like watching a graceful slow dance that flowered out
and became more and more beautiful as each person
came into perfect harmony with the Music--who was/is
our Lord Jesus Christ. In fact, as they moved, it soon
was evident that they WERE THE ACTUAL BODY OF

I knew that if any two people decided to hold hands, or
be directed by any other part of the body, it would
interrupt the harmony of the whole.

This vision has given me an entirely new comprehension
of what actually IS the 'body of Christ,' and of how it will
function in God's perfect timing. Meantime, I am content
to do whatever He places before me to do, trusting that
He is moving me in the direction He desires me to go,
and that He is doing the same with the rest of His saints.

From: "James"

I think some of what you said is very "idealistic" but not
at all practical. Just so you know were I am coming from,
I have spoken more about not "following the leader" than
anyone and have sought to make individuals "personally
accountable" by checking things out for themselves...

With that said, you stated:
"Again, no one took direction or instruction from anyone
else, but each person moved only in response to what
he or she heard directly from the Lord."

I think this type of philosophy is exactly opposite but
just as dangerous as what we have in the institutional
church concerning unity. There is substantial biblical
precedence for us as a body to "take orders" from other
human beings. It's called "delegated authority" (and yes
I cannot believe I said it!). The Lord "delegated" His
authority to trusted individuals all throughout his word.
That delegation was to edify and build. These are called
"elders". But don't confuse this with the perverted version
the self-seekers in the religious institution preach for
their own gain and power.

Take marriage as an example. You are no longer
"individual" when you get married, rather, the bible states
that a man/woman shall leave their parents and the two
shall become one. Yes we are still individuals but the
call of marriage is oneness.

Look at Acts chapters 2-4. The thing that was so unique
about the early church and the theme stated over and
over is that they were "of one heart and one mind" and
over and over again we see the self sacrificing for others.

Now in the institutional church this message has got
perverted... and the masses are controlled when the
brain gets checked at the door.

Getting back to your statement above, because we are
fallen flesh we NEED the body. The Lord has specifically
designed things this way so we MUST submit ourselves
to one another because that is the way we will get the
whole picture. The Lord is truly speaking to each of us
as individuals but has chosen to also speak to us
THROUGH one another. It is very humbling to have to go
to another human being for insight but as Paul said
"knowledge puffed up but love edifies". If He gave us as
individuals the whole plan I guarantee we would fall into
pride as many already have!

But, we are not to submit ourselves in the perverted form
it is being preached today out of fear to keep you in line
and in the local church but in the biblical mode. The body
is NOT there to tell you what to do from the time you get
up to the time you go to bed but rather to "encourage one
another in the faith". The Lord has a grand vision and we
as individuals need to find our place in that vision and
submit ourselves to one another for the sake of HIS grand
vision. People who think as "individuals" will be unable
to make this transition.