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dobro inspired

Posted by: klsluder <klsluder@...>

Our new bass player, who is really a guitar player but I can't convince him,
got a dobro for Christmas. It is an inexpensive acoustic (no pickups). He
taught himself to play Amazing Grace at home then brought it to practice. It
sounded very cool. I convinced him to play it for the church the next Sunday
and I would accompany him on acoustic. Sound check went great but during the
service the dobro never got unmuted! All you heard was me strumming and the
singers. It was still good but I felt so sorry for the guy. He took it well.
I love his attitude - I hope it rubs off.

That got me to wanting to tinker with the slide a little bit. I got out my
old Washburn electric that was retired because of back bow. I raised the
action and tuned it to open D. While I am not any good at it, it is a lot of
fun. Mostly I am impressed with how good that old guitar sounds. The guitar
is a $200 beater intro guitar to which I added Carvin Humbuckers. I don't
know what you guys think of Carvins but at the moment I think they blow the
Dimarzios on my Parker away. They have kind of a classic 70's Gibson sound.
I've been working on Where Could I Go. If I ever get any good at it maybe
I'll make an attempt at getting unmuted!

Other than the dobro fiasco, Sunday's music rocked at our church! While I
know the goal is changed lives, still as a musician it is refreshing
personally to see people on their feet and hear them clapping (in time no
less) and singing loudly along. Sort of makes you glad you bothered to tune


Parker NiteFly M/map
Peavey Ecoustic E/A
OLP 12-string electric