Doc's Daily Chuckle 10/12/21
Quote from Forum Archives on October 12, 2021, 7:41 pmPosted by: pakaine49 <pakaine49@...>
Always Clean Chuckles
Laughter is the Best Medicine!
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We’re having an enjoyable unusually ’summer-like’ October
— temps 60’s - 80’s! The leaves are slowly starting to turn.
Today's Chuckles
1. Lottery
2. Shirt
At breakfast the husband says to his wife "What would you do
if I won the Lottery?"
And she replied flippantly, "I'd take my half and leave you."
"Great," he says. "Here's $6. I won $12 yesterday! Stay in touch.”
- From GCFL
Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance
and conscientious stupidity. - Martin Luther King, Jr.
My kindergarten-aged daughter suddenly announced just before
school that she needed to take a clean tee shirt to class. She told
us the teacher was going to iron an anti-drug message on it.
My wife frantically swept through my daughter's room, finding
nothing usable but one tee shirt that already had something
printed on one side. She sent it off to school with my daughter.
That afternoon, my daughter returned and happily showed off
her shirt.
On one side it said, "Families are Forever."
And on the other, "Be Smart, Don't Start."
- From Mikey's Funnies
Please pray for: Jean, Aurelia, Jake, Jen, Tim, Peggy, Sharon, Hailey.
Have a TERRIFIC day!
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Posted by: pakaine49 <pakaine49@...>
Always Clean Chuckles
Laughter is the Best Medicine!
Please feel welcome to forward this email to your
friends, inviting them to become a member of the
Doc's Daily Chuckle family!
If you got this from a friend and would like your own
copy sent to you regularly, please sign up at
We’re having an enjoyable unusually ’summer-like’ October
— temps 60’s - 80’s! The leaves are slowly starting to turn.
Today's Chuckles
1. Lottery
2. Shirt
At breakfast the husband says to his wife "What would you do
if I won the Lottery?"
And she replied flippantly, "I'd take my half and leave you."
"Great," he says. "Here's $6. I won $12 yesterday! Stay in touch.”
- From GCFL
Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance
and conscientious stupidity. - Martin Luther King, Jr.
My kindergarten-aged daughter suddenly announced just before
school that she needed to take a clean tee shirt to class. She told
us the teacher was going to iron an anti-drug message on it.
My wife frantically swept through my daughter's room, finding
nothing usable but one tee shirt that already had something
printed on one side. She sent it off to school with my daughter.
That afternoon, my daughter returned and happily showed off
her shirt.
On one side it said, "Families are Forever."
And on the other, "Be Smart, Don't Start."
- From Mikey's Funnies
Please pray for: Jean, Aurelia, Jake, Jen, Tim, Peggy, Sharon, Hailey.
Have a TERRIFIC day!
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