Doc's Daily Chuckle 10/29/21
Quote from Forum Archives on October 29, 2021, 10:53 pmPosted by: pakaine49 <pakaine49@...>
Always Clean Chuckles
Laughter is the Best Medicine!
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Enjoying the time I’m spending in NC with my Dad, brother
and sister-in-law. A cousin is here, also.
Today's Chuckles
1. Trick or Treat
2. Jesus Coming
Trick or Treat
The doorbell rings, and a man answers it.
Here stands Little Johnny plain but well-dressed who says,
"Trick or Treat!"
The man asks Johnny what he's dressed up like for Halloween.
Little Johnny says, "I'm an IRS agent.”
Then he takes 28% of the man's candy, leaves, and doesn't say
Thank You.
- From Daily Clean Jokes
To love means loving the unlovable. To forgive means pardoning the
unpardonable. Faith means believing the unbelievable. Hope means
hoping when everything seems hopeless. - G.K. Chesterson
Jesus Coming
One day, I taught my young class the story of Jesus visiting Mary and
Martha. I carefully explained how Martha had hurried to clean the house
and cook a special meal. Then I paused and asked, "What would you
do if Jesus was going to visit your house today?”
One little girl quickly responded, "I'd put the Bible on the table!”
- From Da Mouse Tracks
Please pray for: Gary, PJ, Lilly, PT, Baiju, Joanne, Anna, Samantha.
Have a TERRIFIC day!
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Posted by: pakaine49 <pakaine49@...>
Always Clean Chuckles
Laughter is the Best Medicine!
Please feel welcome to forward this email to your
friends, inviting them to become a member of the
Doc's Daily Chuckle family!
If you got this from a friend and would like your own
copy sent to you regularly, please sign up at
Enjoying the time I’m spending in NC with my Dad, brother
and sister-in-law. A cousin is here, also.
Today's Chuckles
1. Trick or Treat
2. Jesus Coming
Trick or Treat
The doorbell rings, and a man answers it.
Here stands Little Johnny plain but well-dressed who says,
"Trick or Treat!"
The man asks Johnny what he's dressed up like for Halloween.
Little Johnny says, "I'm an IRS agent.”
Then he takes 28% of the man's candy, leaves, and doesn't say
Thank You.
- From Daily Clean Jokes
To love means loving the unlovable. To forgive means pardoning the
unpardonable. Faith means believing the unbelievable. Hope means
hoping when everything seems hopeless. - G.K. Chesterson
Jesus Coming
One day, I taught my young class the story of Jesus visiting Mary and
Martha. I carefully explained how Martha had hurried to clean the house
and cook a special meal. Then I paused and asked, "What would you
do if Jesus was going to visit your house today?”
One little girl quickly responded, "I'd put the Bible on the table!”
- From Da Mouse Tracks
Please pray for: Gary, PJ, Lilly, PT, Baiju, Joanne, Anna, Samantha.
Have a TERRIFIC day!
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