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Doc's Daily Chuckle 5/5/14

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                DOC'S  DAILY  CHUCKLE

                   Always  Clean  Chuckles

                Laughter is the Best Medicine!


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It is the start of a new week in May. I'm looking 

forward to Mother's Day. I will be going to a play 

that my granddaughter is in and visiting 2 of my 

daughters and 5 of my grandchildren.


Today's Chuckles

1. Birthday Cake

2. French Horn


Birthday Cake

Little Johnny's mother was having difficulty gulping 

down the birthday cake he had made for her as a surprise. 

When she was finished, Little Johnny happily exclaimed,

"I'm so glad you like it, Mommy. There should have been 

32 candles on the cake, but they were all gone when I 

took it out of the oven."

- from Da Mouse Tracks


Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; 

they are the charming gardeners who make our souls 

blossom. - Marcel Proust


French Horn

When a music student brought his French horn to my 

shop for repair he complained that the instrument  

"felt stuffy" and he couldn'tblow air through it. 

It's not unusual to find partial blockages in brass 

instruments if small items get lodged in the tubing, 

but when I tested the instrument, the horn was 

completely blocked. After much probing and prodding, 

a small tangerine dropped out of the bell. 

"Oh," said the musician when I handed him the fruit. 

Seeing the bewildered look on my face, he explained, 

"My mom used the horn for a cornucopia in a Thanksgiving 


- from Mark L. M.


Please pray for: Keith, Carol, Sunder, Sergio, Jean, Alice, Joyce. 


Have a TERRIFIC day! 

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