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Doc's Daily Chuckle 6/11/21

Posted by: pakaine49 <pakaine49@...>

             DOC'S  DAILY  CHUCKLE

             Always  Clean  Chuckles

           Laughter is the Best Medicine!


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Sorry there was no DDC yesterday. Have a terrific weekend.


Today's Chuckles

1. Delegation 

2. Heavenly Music   



My brother wants me to find him a summer job. 

He asked me to check with my boss, my friends, my business 

associates. Then he asked me to run off 100 copies of his 

resume, call up the employment agencies, and write an ad for 

the Positions Wanted section of the newspaper.

I asked him what he wanted to call himself in the ad.

He said, "A self-starter!” 

- From Cybersalt


If I create from the heart, nearly everything works; 

if from the head, almost nothing. - Marc Chagal 


Heavenly Music

by Sherry E. Heard 


I attend a small village church in rural Pennsylvania. On any given Sunday, 

we may have six or seven faithful little ones who come with their parents 

for the entire church service.


Pastor has a white bag which gets passed from child to child, making sure 

they get equal turns to put something in for him to talk about. Each Sunday, 

Pastor calls all the little children up to him and he opens the bag to find a 

"surprise" on which he bases his children's sermon.


Last week, the bag went home with a little guy who spends many hours a 

week on church related activities. His parents and older brother are very 

active and so, in turn, is he. When Pastor opened the bag, there was a copy 

of Handel's Messiah which was very appropriate for Easter Sunday. (His 

parents and brother sing in the choir.)


Pastor and the children had a lively discussion going on about the joy and 

happiness that music brings to the service. As he closed the little talk, Pastor 

said, " Yes, music is a wonderful part of our service. What would church be 

like if there was none?"


Without skipping a beat, the little boy who had brought the music called out, 

"About a half an hour!"


Nobody could argue that.


- by Sherry E. Heard, (C)  2005

Used With Permission


Please pray for: James, Grahame, Ashley, Carla, Kim, Cain, Laura, Tom.


Have a TERRIFIC day! 

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