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Doc's Daily Chuckle 6/12/14

Posted by: drpkaine <drpkaine@...>

                DOC'S  DAILY  CHUCKLE

                   Always  Clean  Chuckles

                Laughter is the Best Medicine!


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By the calendar, it may still be spring. 

However, at 80 degrees, it feels like 



Today's Chuckles

1. Woman Marine

2. Flying in Alaska


Woman Marine

As a woman in the Marines, I often don't feel as 

feminine as when I had a civilian job in which I 

wore dresses and left my hair down. 

One day I was feeling especially depressed about 

this and couldn't wait to get home and change. 

When I arrived, I found that my friend and her 

18-month-old daughter had been waiting for me.

My friend is married to a Marine, and my worries 

about appearing less than feminine only increased 

when her little girl glanced up at me and yelled 

happily, "Daddy's home!" 

- from Da Mouse Tracks


Choosing to be positive and having a grateful 

attitude is going to determine how you're going 

to live your life. - Joel Osteen 


Flying in Alaska 

I was inspecting communications facilities in Alaska. 

Since I had little experience flying in small planes, 

I was nervous when we approached a landing strip in 

a snow-covered area. The pilot descended to just a 

couple hundred feet, then gunned both engines, climbed, 

and circled back. While my heart pounded, the passenger 

beside me seemed calm.

"I wonder why he didn't land," I said.

"He was checking to see if the landing strip was plowed," 

the man said.

As we made a second approach, I glanced out the window. 

"It looks plowed to me," I commented.

"No," my seatmate said. "It hasn't been cleared for 

some time."

"How can you tell?"

"Because," the man informed me, "I'm the guy who drives 

the plow."

- from Thomas E. (via GCFL)


Please pray for: Meg, Aiden, Joyce, Kim, Greg, Heather, Betteann, Ellen. 


Have a TERRIFIC day! 

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