Doc's Daily Chuckle 6/29/21
Quote from Forum Archives on June 30, 2021, 12:45 amPosted by: pakaine49 <pakaine49@...>
Always Clean Chuckles
Laughter is the Best Medicine!
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Doc's Daily Chuckle family!
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Tonight I was at a meeting for volunteers for The Fest at
Brookside Reservation, Cleveland (just south of I-71).
On August 8, 2021, that is where The Fest will be held.
4 major Christian bands will perform! Cost is only $10.00
for a day. More info can be found at
Today's Chuckles
1. Gym Class
2. Security Alarm
Gym Class
In a high school gym class, all the girls are lined up against
one wall, and all the boys against the opposite wall. Every
ten seconds, they walk toward each other exactly half the
remaining distance between them.
A mathematician, a physicist, and an engineer are asked,
"When will the girls and boys meet?"
Mathematician: "Never."
Physicist: "In an infinite amount of time."
Engineer: "Well... in about two minutes, they'll be close enough
for all practical purposes.”
- From GCFL
Build a dream and the dream will build you. - Robert H. Schuller
Security Alarm
When I worked for the security department of a large retail store, my
duties included responding to fire and burglar alarms. A side door of
the building was wired with a security alarm, because it was not
supposed to be used by customers.
Nevertheless they found the convenience of the exit tempting. Even a
sign with large red letters, warning "Alarm will sound if opened,” failed
to deter people from using it.
One day, after attending to a number of shrieking alarms, I placed a
small handmade sign on the door that totally eliminated the problem:
"Wet paint.”
- From Bible Verses
Please pray for: Blake, Ray, Ann, Srody, Sammie, Jim, Kathy.
Have a TERRIFIC day!
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Posted by: pakaine49 <pakaine49@...>
Always Clean Chuckles
Laughter is the Best Medicine!
Please feel welcome to forward this email to your
friends, inviting them to become a member of the
Doc's Daily Chuckle family!
If you got this from a friend and would like your own
copy sent to you regularly, please sign up at
Tonight I was at a meeting for volunteers for The Fest at
Brookside Reservation, Cleveland (just south of I-71).
On August 8, 2021, that is where The Fest will be held.
4 major Christian bands will perform! Cost is only $10.00
for a day. More info can be found at
Today's Chuckles
1. Gym Class
2. Security Alarm
Gym Class
In a high school gym class, all the girls are lined up against
one wall, and all the boys against the opposite wall. Every
ten seconds, they walk toward each other exactly half the
remaining distance between them.
A mathematician, a physicist, and an engineer are asked,
"When will the girls and boys meet?"
Mathematician: "Never."
Physicist: "In an infinite amount of time."
Engineer: "Well... in about two minutes, they'll be close enough
for all practical purposes.”
- From GCFL
Build a dream and the dream will build you. - Robert H. Schuller
Security Alarm
When I worked for the security department of a large retail store, my
duties included responding to fire and burglar alarms. A side door of
the building was wired with a security alarm, because it was not
supposed to be used by customers.
Nevertheless they found the convenience of the exit tempting. Even a
sign with large red letters, warning "Alarm will sound if opened,” failed
to deter people from using it.
One day, after attending to a number of shrieking alarms, I placed a
small handmade sign on the door that totally eliminated the problem:
"Wet paint.”
- From Bible Verses
Please pray for: Blake, Ray, Ann, Srody, Sammie, Jim, Kathy.
Have a TERRIFIC day!
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