Doc's Daily Chuckle 7/13/21
Quote from Forum Archives on July 13, 2021, 10:40 pmPosted by: pakaine49 <pakaine49@...>
Always Clean Chuckles
Laughter is the Best Medicine!
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My youngest (career army) is back in the States from his most recent
tour in S. Korea.
Today's Chuckles
1. Soup
2. Memory, Organization, Routine
One day in the army I was assigned KP duty. I reported to the Mess Hall and
was told by the sergeant in charge that he wanted me to make 100 gallons
of soup for tonight's dinner. I told him I didn't know how to make soup. He
quickly handed me a book and told me to follow the directions carefully.
Soon after I had a large kettle of soup simmering. The sergeant came up and
tasted the soup. He took a second spoonful and stood there staring at me. I
thought I had really messed up the soup and was waiting for a reprimand.
Instead the sergeant said, "This tastes really good... are you sure you followed
the recipe?"
- From Daily Clean Jokes
To the soul, there is hardly anything more healing than friendship.
- Thomas Moore
Memory, Organization, Routine
It seems like every time our piano tuner John comes to our house,
he scolds me for waiting too long between tunings. I agree with him
that it should be done every six months, but I don't really think about
it until the piano sounds off-key.
The last time he came over, I was on the defensive. "If you would
send out a postcard reminder like the dentist does every 6 months,”
I declared, "I would make sure to call you for an appointment in a
timely fashion.”
Without hesitating, he replied, "OK -- from now on, when the dentist
sends you a postcard, call me."
- From CyberSalt
Please pray for: Jeanette, Blake, Patricia, Sam, Darrell, Marilyn.
Have a TERRIFIC day!
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Posted by: pakaine49 <pakaine49@...>
Always Clean Chuckles
Laughter is the Best Medicine!
Please feel welcome to forward this email to your
friends, inviting them to become a member of the
Doc's Daily Chuckle family!
If you got this from a friend and would like your own
copy sent to you regularly, please sign up at
My youngest (career army) is back in the States from his most recent
tour in S. Korea.
Today's Chuckles
1. Soup
2. Memory, Organization, Routine
One day in the army I was assigned KP duty. I reported to the Mess Hall and
was told by the sergeant in charge that he wanted me to make 100 gallons
of soup for tonight's dinner. I told him I didn't know how to make soup. He
quickly handed me a book and told me to follow the directions carefully.
Soon after I had a large kettle of soup simmering. The sergeant came up and
tasted the soup. He took a second spoonful and stood there staring at me. I
thought I had really messed up the soup and was waiting for a reprimand.
Instead the sergeant said, "This tastes really good... are you sure you followed
the recipe?"
- From Daily Clean Jokes
To the soul, there is hardly anything more healing than friendship.
- Thomas Moore
Memory, Organization, Routine
It seems like every time our piano tuner John comes to our house,
he scolds me for waiting too long between tunings. I agree with him
that it should be done every six months, but I don't really think about
it until the piano sounds off-key.
The last time he came over, I was on the defensive. "If you would
send out a postcard reminder like the dentist does every 6 months,”
I declared, "I would make sure to call you for an appointment in a
timely fashion.”
Without hesitating, he replied, "OK -- from now on, when the dentist
sends you a postcard, call me."
- From CyberSalt
Please pray for: Jeanette, Blake, Patricia, Sam, Darrell, Marilyn.
Have a TERRIFIC day!
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