Doc's Daily Chuckle 7/28/21
Quote from Forum Archives on July 29, 2021, 12:08 amPosted by: pakaine49 <pakaine49@...>
Always Clean Chuckles
Laughter is the Best Medicine!
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Hump Day. Working ‘behind-the-scenes’ for
This year it’ll be a hybrid of in-person and virtual on 8/8/21.
Today's Chuckles
1. Pills
2. Language
I'm not keen on taking pills, so when my doctor gave me a prescription
to lower my blood pressure, I asked him if there were any side effects.
"Yes," he said. "Longevity."
- From Da Mouse Tracks
You gain strength confidence and courage by every experience in
which you really stop to look fear in the face. -Eleanor Roosevelt
A tourist in a rented car, lost, asked two farmers for direction in his own language German.
The farmers replied "English."
The tourist spoke in French.
The farmers said "English."
The tourist spoke in Dutch. The farmers replied the same.
The tourist turned right and drove away.
One farmer said to the other: We must learn a second language."
The other farmer replied, " Why to waste your time. It is of no use.
See, that man knew 3 languages. None of them helped him.”
- From PG Vargis
Please pray for: Carla, Carlos, Alexander, Eli, Julie, Cain, Wilma, Pat.
Have a TERRIFIC day!
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Posted by: pakaine49 <pakaine49@...>
Always Clean Chuckles
Laughter is the Best Medicine!
Please feel welcome to forward this email to your
friends, inviting them to become a member of the
Doc's Daily Chuckle family!
If you got this from a friend and would like your own
copy sent to you regularly, please sign up at
Hump Day. Working ‘behind-the-scenes’ for
This year it’ll be a hybrid of in-person and virtual on 8/8/21.
Today's Chuckles
1. Pills
2. Language
I'm not keen on taking pills, so when my doctor gave me a prescription
to lower my blood pressure, I asked him if there were any side effects.
"Yes," he said. "Longevity."
- From Da Mouse Tracks
You gain strength confidence and courage by every experience in
which you really stop to look fear in the face. -Eleanor Roosevelt
A tourist in a rented car, lost, asked two farmers for direction in his own language German.
The farmers replied "English."
The tourist spoke in French.
The farmers said "English."
The tourist spoke in Dutch. The farmers replied the same.
The tourist turned right and drove away.
One farmer said to the other: We must learn a second language."
The other farmer replied, " Why to waste your time. It is of no use.
See, that man knew 3 languages. None of them helped him.”
- From PG Vargis
Please pray for: Carla, Carlos, Alexander, Eli, Julie, Cain, Wilma, Pat.
Have a TERRIFIC day!
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