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Doc's Daily Chuckle 8/12/21

Posted by: pakaine49 <pakaine49@...>

             DOC'S  DAILY  CHUCKLE

             Always  Clean  Chuckles

           Laughter is the Best Medicine!


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We’ve had more than our share of rain. On Sunday, we had 

1.75 inch is less than an hour and it’s rained every day since. 


Today's Chuckles

1. New Volkswagen  

2. Law   



New Volkswagen 


Jill recently bought a new Volkswagen Beetle, that bright green color. 

The first day she had it she made all kinds of excuses to run errands. 

One of these errands was to pick up clothes at the dry cleaners and 

go to the grocery. The dry cleaners and the grocery are in the same 

strip mall so she got a few things at the grocery, then ran by the 

cleaners and got the clothes. Having her hands full she laid the 

clothes on top while putting the groceries in the car.  


When she got home she was beaming, "You wouldn't believe how 

many people waved and honked their horns at the car and me on the 

way home." she said to her kids, "people must really think this car is neat!"  


About that time a car pulled up in our drive and a man got out with an

 armload of our clothes. "Excuse me," he said, "but I've been trying to 

get your attention for two miles, your clothes landed on my hood just 

after you pulled out of the parking lot.” 


- From Da Mouse Tracks  



Instead of getting frustrated over things you can’t change, 

focus on the ones that you can change. - Gail Lynne Goodwin 






Have you heard of Murphy's Law


Yes, anything can go wrong will go wrong


What's about Cole's law?




It's a thin-slice cabbage dripped in mayonnaise and sour cream


- From Daily Clean Jokes 


Please pray for: Curt, Priscilla, Ryan, Elaine, Jerry, Sarah, Nick.


Have a TERRIFIC day! 

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