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Doc's Daily Chuckle 8/2/21

Posted by: pakaine49 <pakaine49@...>

             DOC'S  DAILY  CHUCKLE

             Always  Clean  Chuckles

           Laughter is the Best Medicine!


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Saw my physician today. Breast cancer remains in remission. 

F/u will now be in 6 mo (rather than 3 mo)


Today's Chuckles

1.   Cinderella 

2.  Incapacitated 




An accountant was working at his desk one evening when his little daughter came up to him. 

"Daddy, will you read me a story before bed?" she asked. In her hand, she had the book Cinderella.


"Sure, sweetheart," the father replied. "You get ready for bed and Daddy will be there in a few minutes."


When the father had finished putting away everything on his desk, he took a seat in the rocking chair, 

put his daughter in his lap and read Cinderella to her for the first time.


The girl was fascinated by the story, especially the part where the pumpkin turned into a golden coach.


"And they all lived happily ever after," the father concluded.


"Daddy?" the girl said.


"Yes, sweetheart?" the father replied.


The girl asked, "When the pumpkin turned into a golden coach, would that be classified as income 

or a long-term capital gain?"


- From the HaHaFunnies 


If we don't change, we don't grow. If we don't grow, we are not really living. 

Growth demands a temporary surrender of security. - Gail Sheehy 



I was recovering from surgery when a charity representative phoned asking 

me to take part in a door-to-door fund-raising effort.


"Sorry," I replied, "but I've been incapacitated.”


Undaunted, the caller kept trying to convince me to change my mind and volunteer.


I interrupted and said, "Listen to me. I'm incapacitated. Do you know what that means?”


She hesitated. "It means your head was cut off?" 

- From Cybersalt


Please pray for: Jack, Kathy, Eric, Aurelia, Tom, KC, Rob, Pat, Joanne .


Have a TERRIFIC day! 

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