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Doc's thoughts on NYC

Posted by: docsheri <docsheri@...>

I am on another list, actually many, and the subject of that particular one
is Christmas. Happy. Full of ideas. Planning. And it still is.

But now it is very thoughtful... Very. I have an entire file of messages
from all my lists for this current subject. And on this particular
Christmas list the 'mom' asked for help...... She said the list goes to
people all over, people of many beliefs, nations, you know.... And what
should she do? Should she now 'ban' these things from her list.... to make
certain none of us offend the innocent people of other countries or beliefs.

And I wondered what to say.

I personally feel all of us all over need to feel safe sharing these
things with each other. Another list said the same thing..that life needs
to 'get back to normal' and a sweet lady (C.M.) said..."but this is LIFE
right now...and it will not return to what we knew before as normal." And I
understood and I agree. Not life as we knew it. I am impressed that I see
American flag after flag as I drive through neighborhoods. And I am
saddened that this
unthinkable thing happened..... to bring us to this unity. I wonder if my
Heavenly Father is thinking, "Well...what DOES it take to bring you to a
unity...... instead of whining and complaining over how long you have to
stand in a line to check out. Or you didn't get the right change back. Or
you are tired of the tele-marketers. Maybe the man next door won't cut his
lawn when you think he should and it makes the 'neighborhood look bad".....
And "Gee won't they ever get that dog to stop barking!!!!!"

And "Look at those people...the are so different. They are not like me.
Probably don't even think like me.... is their country that
caused this whole thing!!!!! And they will pay....!!!"

Why?! THEY didn't do is their country at this time, too. Maybe
since birth, maybe as a choice. And THEY do not have control over the
influential people of a country. Not usually.

Our Father will not take away our free agency. Our right to choose. No
matter who it affects. BUT.....I see story after story of those that missed
work that day, or were late. Or....Or...... You read them on your e-mail
too. And I remember life is choices. Ours. Theirs. Others. And my
choice might affect someone years down the line. Someone I may never know
in my lifetime. Or my life now may be the result of choices made years
ago...... and it actually is.... And the idea would be to make 'better'
choices, informed choices..... as we can. Knowing full well that we will
probablly always make less than perfect and then. But the
idea would be to 'fail forward to success' ... and to always remember the
choices others have made. And those who had no control over those choices
OTHERS have made.

I appologize for getting into a religion type of thought this morning. I
understand ignorance in thinking and I do not want to remain ignorant. Yet
I will always be ignorant in something..... until I have the power of

Knowledge is power and may I always use that 'power' to the good.....

Sherri....the 'Doc' in Missouri, K.C. area