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DOES GOD WEEP for WALES? - Andrew Strom

Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>


-by Andrew Strom.

One of the reasons that I am writing on this topic is that I got a
very negative response to my announcement last week that we
will be holding a Gathering for prayer and preaching in Wales -
literally at the birthplace of the Welsh Revival. Even though I stated
that I have become very burdened for Wales, people replied that
God does not care for any nation in particular - and they accused
me of all kinds of things. Some of the comments were quite
vindictive and nasty, which I guess I should expect by now.

The fact is, since before Christmas I have found myself weeping
profoundly whenever I start praying for Wales. I did not seek such
a burden - neither did I ever expect such a thing. It came out of
the blue very suddenly - and I have to believe it is God.

The thing that gets to me most, whenever I ponder it before the
Lord, is that for almost 150 years Wales was the most powerful
"Land of Revivals" in the world. Her preachers were some of the
most anointed that have ever lived in recent centuries - Howell
Harris, Christmas Evans, David Morgan, Daniel Rowland, John
Elias, Evan Roberts and many more. I've found lately that whenever
I go to prayer I simply cannot help but weep when I think that for
a hundred years now Wales has lost her Revivals. The greatest
Revival nation on earth has been taken down - lost to the enemy.
(And America looks set to follow). Wales is now down to 7 percent
church attendance - and is a literal shadow of her former self.

Before this burden hit me I was not thinking that there is some
"hope" for Wales. Not at all! I have to admit, after visiting there
last year, things seemed utterly hopeless to me (in the natural).
And I still do not comprehend the fulness of what God is trying
to say. But I do know that if He opens a rare and unusual door to
gather and pray in the very place where the last Revival broke out -
to plead and cry out to Him for that lost nation - then I had
better do it.

What is planned at Moriah Chapel in April is not just another
"preaching conference". PRAYER will be a huge emphasis. We
have to cry out to God. I have even been wondering if it shouldn't
be called "WEEP FOR WALES" or something similar - for isn't
that what is so desperately needed?

Yes - there will be speakers. But that is not the main thing. We
truly have to SEEK GOD. And for those who do not wish to
participate in such an event, that is fine. Nobody is forcing you to
come. But for those who feel led to join us in crying out for these
"lost" Revival nations - you are most welcome.

To the ones who want to write further attacks in response to all
this, I just want to ask you one question:- Isn't it possible that
God Himself still cares deeply about Wales and the fact that He
has lost one of His most beloved Revival nations of all time? And
isn't it possible that this burden that we feel is directly from Him?
Points to ponder as you comment, my friends.

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God bless you all.

Andrew Strom.