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Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>


"Mommy!" Five year Kaenna called as she ran in the house. She waited for a reply and heard nothing. So "MOOOOOOOOOM" she called much louder this time. Then her Mother appeared in the doorway with laundry in her hands. "Yes" she said meekly. "Im home" Keanna told her Mother. Her mother weekly smiled and sat down. "Whats wrong Mommy" Keanna courisly asked. "Just been very busy today Im fine." she smiled. "Ok" Kaenna said happily and ran off to do her own thing.
The next day Keanna got up to eat breakfast. Her mom was not cooking. So she went to her Mother rooms and found her lying on the floor. She laughed and thought to her selve mom was so busy and tired she fell asleep on the floor, how silly of her. So she shook her mom lightly to wake her. She heard a loud moan and then groan. "Mommy are you ok?" she asked worried. She knew her dad was not home because of his all week out of town business trip. But when all she heard come from her Mom was moans and groans she knew she had
to do something. She remembered the thing she learned in school, to call 911 if in trouble. So she did and she waited for them to come.
The cops came and she told them how she found her mom on the floor that morning. They took her mom in an abulance, and sent Kaenna to a childcare for the time being. She was worried about her mom all day. They called her Dad and her flew in that night. He took Kaenna out to eat after he went to the hospital. "Kaenna" Her father told her. "Yes daddy" she asked kindly. "While Im going to take you to the hospital to say goodbye" he told her sadly. "Goodbye to whom daddy" she asked politely. "Well to mommy honey Im sorry shes not coming home." he looked down as he told her this. "Why not she will be fine she is just sick daddy, right." She said holding back tears. "No honey she has cancer it has spread everywhere. She is able to talk but shes on stuff to keep her alive. And she does not want to be on all of them. Do you understand?" He asked her. " No",she said angrily "Why does mommy want to leave us,I love her too much Daddy." He looked at her and said "Honey shes hurting. Like when you fell off your bike last week. Mommy feels that all the time.If we just take her off the stuff she will not hurt. Thats important. Now lets go to the hospital ok. "Ok daddy lets go and say goodbye mommy hurts lets stop it now" She said in tears. "Ok" Her father said. "Lets go" he told her.
"Hi mommy its me Kaenna, your daughter." she said slowly. "Yes I know" her mother shrieked in pain as she talked. "Oh was not sure." Kaenna answered. "Mommy are you pain" she asked hopefully to get a no. "Yes honey so I got to go away from you and Daddy to get rid of it." she said crying. "I know but I love you and don't want you to go." She cried softly. "I know honey I love you too, and cannot bear leaving you." she answered. "Ok Mommy I love you" She said. "Me too, me too. You take care of daddy." Her Mom said. "I will she said softly. Then a nurse came in and told them it was time. "Does this mean I have to say goodbye forever?" She asked. "Yes" the nurse told the little girl. "Ok, Mommy I love you. I will always miss you. A day will not go bye when I will not think of you. I will make you things and tell you things, you will listen from heaven. You will watch me grow up from there and tell me you love me when I tell you. I will feel you tuck me in at night, and feel you kiss me. And mommy Ill feel you play with me. Goodbye forever will you tell me you love me? That im beautiful? That you will watch over me? And kiss me goodbye?" She asked her streams of tears. " Yes honey, yes to all. I love you. Goodbye come kiss me." Her mother said strewn with tears. So she kissed her mom and held her hand as her mom drifted away. She heard her mom whisper I love you, goodbye, as the nurse anounced she was gone. Kaenna cried furiously and so did her Dad. Life would never be the same. But then Kaenna felt a rush of warm wind spread through her, and she knew it was her mom hugging her.
    Although things are not perfect
    Because of trial or pain.
    Continue in thanksgiving
    Do not begin to blame.
    Even when the times are hard
    Fierce winds are bound to blow,
    God is forever able
    Hold on to what you know.
    Imagine life without His love
    Joy would cease to be.
    Keep thanking Him for all the things
    Love imparts to thee.
    Move out of "Camp Complaining"
    No weapon that is known
    On earth can yield the power
    Praise can do alone.
    Quit looking at the future,
    Redeem the time at hand,
    Start every day with worship
    To "thank" is His command.
    Until we see Him coming
    Victorious in the sky,
    We'll run the race with gratitude
    Xalting God most high!
    Yes, there'll be good times and also some bad, but...
    Zion waits in glory...where none are ever sad!
<>< Every Now And Then ><>
Every now and then, the light in a stranger's eyes pulls
at the outer threads of my mind with a familiar tug...
And I wonder...
Every now and then, an unexpected, kind word from a
complete stranger lifts a layer of sadness from my heart...
And I wonder...
Every now and then, a warm smile from a passerby,
penetrates my soul...
And I wonder...
Every now and then, a kind gesture by a stranger
restores my faith in the goodness of the human spirit...
And I wonder...
Every now and then, a chance encounter with a store
clerk, a waiter or waitress, a construction worker, a
crossing guard, a bus driver, a parking lot attendant, a
mail carrier, a volunteer, a repair person, a ticket taker,
a hotdog vendor, a stranger in any number of forms,
shapes and sizes, has all the markings of the handprint
of God...
And I wonder...
Do not forget to entertain strangers,
for by so doing some people have
entertained angels without knowing it.
Hebrews 13:2 NIV
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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