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DON'T DESPISE MERCY - David Wilkerson

Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

-by David Wilkerson.

In ancient Israel, the ark of the covenant represented the mercy of
the Lord, a powerful truth that came to be embodied in Christ. We
are to receive his mercy, trust in the saving blood of his mercy,
and be saved eternally. So, you can ridicule the law, you can
mock holiness, you can tear down everything that speaks of God.
But when you mock or ridicule God's mercy, judgment comes- and
swiftly. If you trample on his blood of mercy, you face his awful

That's exactly what happened to the Philistines when they stole the
ark. Deadly destruction came down on them until they had to admit,
"This isn't just chance or happenstance. God's hand is clearly
against us." Consider what happened when the ark was taken into
the heathen temple of Dagon, to mock and challenge Israel's God.
In the middle of the night, the mercy seat on the ark became a rod
of judgment. The next day, the idol Dagon was found fallen on its
face before the ark, its head and hands cut off (see 1 Samuel 5:2-5).

Beloved, this is where America should be today. We should have
been judged long ago. I say to all who mock and challenge the
mercy of God: Go ahead, try all you want to bring Christ's church
under the power of secularism or agnosticism. But if you mock
the mercy of Christ, God will cast all your power and authority to
the ground. Jeremiah says, "It is of the Lord's mercies that we are
not consumed, because his compassions fail not" (Lamentations 3:22).
Yet when men make a mockery of that great mercy which is Christ,
judgment is sure.

It is only the mercy of the Lord that delays judgment. And right now
America is benefiting from that mercy. Incredibly, our country is in
a race with the rest of the world to remove God and Christ from
society. Yet the Lord will not be mocked; his mercies endure
forever, and he loves this nation. I believe that is why he's still
pouring out blessings on us. His desire is that goodness will lead
us to repentance (see Romans 2:4).

We are not to despair over the present condition in America. We
grieve over the awful corruption, mockery and sin, but we have
hope, knowing God is in full control. We know the mercies of God
endure forever.


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