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Don't Mumble

Posted by: jas <jas@...>

Cloudburst Syndicated Poetry
Copyright (c) 2006, J. Randal Matheny

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Don't Mumble
by J. Randal Matheny

Don't murmur or mumble in a low throaty rumble,
Speak clearly, let go with your point.
Don't whisper or whimper or quietly simper,
Your jaw will not fall out of joint.

No measly-mouth mutter or spitting or sputter,
Just speak and be done with the thought;
No sense to be fearful, nor help going tearful,
You've only one chance, take your shot.

It's no use to stammer, in growls there's no glamor,
Take courage to emit loud and long.
Quit hemming and hawing, stop vocally pawing,
Speak out, make that feeble voice strong.

And once you have spoken in strong tones unbroken,
You'll find the world thrown at your feet.
One thing to remember, about that small member:
Say nothing you later must eat.