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Dragon Mind Speech (was "Miniature War Games")

Posted by: joerevesz <joerevesz@...>

From: Egil wrote:


> Notes On Dragon Speech:


> It should be collaborated on a "Game-master" apologetics book, to introduce new game-masters to christian apologetics. Experience from real gaming can be collected on for example this Network.


I would agree that there should be some more examples of how to run Dragon Speech and combat.  But making another book may be too much of a task.  I would rather have people post their material on a Forum or a Wiki page.



> Categorize Dragon-arguments into the age-levels of dragons:


In the adventure texts they are already categorized as, and should possibly be "Easy", "Medium" and "Hard" or "Difficult".  Really, the Speech should be matched to the group's ability, not the dragon's age.  The size, therefore the difficulty of the dragon should be matched to the group's WR and combat ability.  So, a few well versed LightRaiders should face a younger dragon with Hard Mind Speech and a large group of neophytes could face an older dragon with Easy mind Speech.



> The game-master should reward particularly good rebuttals of dragonspeech with maturity points.


Sure, nothing stopping an AM from doing that.



> A long, and complex answer, that is muddled, is of lesser effect, than a short answer that clearly exposes the element of lie in The Dragon-speech attack.


Possibly, or the player should be encouraged to rephrase the answer until it is concise.



> Introduce Faith-Points: LightRaiders gain Faith points, when they`ve experienced how 1) Vitue conquers doubt and Evil, 2) When a Battle prayer is answered 3) When suffering have been endured, and somehow it has all come out for the better (for example when an difficult adventure is completed.) etc


> Faith-points can be spent to enforce a single Power-Bible-verse. This would simulate what St. Paul writes in, I believe, 1st Corinthians, that we preach in power, and not in the wisdom of this world.


> When Faith Points are used/spent, a spectacular effect should occur, kind of like when the kings of Israel goes to war, and see that the mountain is filled with armies of angels, that fight on their side (methinks its in the book of kings.)


Using Faith Points may take away from the encouragement of using more and higher level WordRunes.  "Chaining" WordRunes by multiple members of the group really get to the point of discipleship.



> A good start to arrange the difficulty level of Dragon Speech could be to read through "A case for Faith", by Lee Strobel, and here on this forum we could discuss contents of Dragon Speech, and eventual Light-Raider rebuttals.


That could be a good idea.




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