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DragonRaid Email Promotion

Posted by: joerevesz <joerevesz@...>

Greeting Fellow LightRaiders,

I just wanted to inform you about the latest Adventures for Christ
promotional effort. Over the years I have attended several secular game
conventions and Christian music festivals in order to promote DragonRaid,
usually with less than stellar results. But this time it will be

A couple of months ago Dick Wulf presented the idea of sending out a mass
email to home schoolers. He wrote an advertisement and we contacted
Tri-Media Marketing, the same company that sent out a postcard ad for
DragonRaid back in 1991 (which was what got me involved). To make a long
story a bit shorter, the email ad will be broadcast to 14,000+ targeted
potential home schooling and youth pastors customers tomorrow. The ad
will direct people to our website.

If you would, please pray for the effort, it would be nice to at least
break even, but shipping the 100 games that are ready to go would be even
better 😉
