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DragonRaid testimony

Posted by: dragonraid <dragonraid@...>


Please let me know if you need any additional info...
DragonRaid has had an enormous impact upon me and my life in a very positive way.  It sounds trivial to give so much kudos to a game system...however, to me it has been a very rewarding and spiritually encouraging tool that God has used in my life.  
The first time I ran across DragonRaid, it was in a Berean Christian Bookstore in 1993.  As soon as I saw the display, I knew that it was something special.  I remember picking up the box and its mere weight made my heart pound with excitement.  The artwork and the pictures on the back with its contents confirmed what I had anticipated it was...a Christian role-playing system.
As I explored the contents, I realized that it was much more than a game.  It was a very creative discipleship system!  I was encouraged and inspired.  I sent in the registration that was enclosed and soon after, Dick Wulf gave me a call.  He sent me his book, "Find Yourself, Give Yourself", and after I read it I began to examine some of his other small group resources.
I have used DragonRaid in Church with a youth group and outside of Church with adults and youth. The effectiveness as a teaching and training tool are evident.  However, it is also a wonderfully creative and effective tool for fostering an atmosphere of fellowship too. 
Dick Wulf's resources, starting with DragonRaid, and then coupled with his small group resources, has helped me to become and effective teacher and has given me many edifying and rewarding creative moments in my Christian walk. 
~ David


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