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DREAM of A MANSION - insightful!

Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

-by David (Sep 23).

About a week and a half or so ago…around September 12, 2009
I had a dream. The dream was recurring, meaning I dreamt it over
and over all night long.

The dream:

There was this grand old mansion that had seven floors. I was
made to reside in this place, to live there. This grand old house
was in disrepair and falling apart everywhere. As I visited all the
floors in this house, and visited the different rooms, it occurred to
me that this place must have been very, very beautiful to look at at one time.

People were living in various parts of this falling down rickety old
house, but the Lord directed a certain of us who were there to a
place in this old house which would be safe from the falling in parts
of this house.

I myself am a carpenter and a Construction Engineering Technol-
ogist (diploma) in real life. In the dream I got to go and visit the
various places where people had attempted repairs to this grand old structure.

It seemed to me that an extensive amount of repairing was going
on, but it was also very apparent to me that those doing the
repairing of this building were not skilled enough to do the massive
amount of structural, building envelope, aesthetics repairs that
were needed…and these repairs that they did were about to give
way (fall apart due to lack of structural integrity)…The Lord says:
Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it.

The Lord impressed upon me that if I dwell in the house where He
instructed me to, that I will be safe from all harm that would come
to the building when it collapsed in on itself. This building was a
grand structure in its beginning, bigger and more beautiful then
any that have been built to that day, and it is about to undergo
some major changes, so that its latter end of it will be greater
than in its beginning.

Most of this grand old building is about to be demolished and
collapsed in on itself, except the core part of it that I told you
about, that if I dwell there I will be safe.

And so it begins.

I believe the Lord is going to send skilled labor into the field… His
carpenters and engineers of which He Himself is the Chief building
engineer. This structure that is going to go up will be built according
to His specifications and design, and no one will be allowed to
deviate with their own repairs, but will follow His design. The latter
end of this house will be greater then the former.

I believe that God is about to make war with denominational/
institutional Christianity which He hates, which caused His house
to be in disrepair. He is about to make war with the great harlot...

During the coming revival/reformation, people are going to forget
they are Baptist or Pentecostal or Alliance, or Assemblies of God
or whatever… I believe there is a remnant of Christians that God is
calling out to Himself from all denominations, to a place of the
wilderness, where He will lead us and feed us with manna from
heaven… to prepare us and make us ready for harvest.

I believe that something is about to happen, that is going to occur
that is going to bring Christians together, and God shall dwell
among us in an unprecedented move of the Spirit of God. I believe
we are at the gateway to the time known as the Great Tribulation
and that the time is short.

I feel a sense of urgency and a leading of the Holy Spirit, that the
time is short. It is time for ones sitting on the fence with their
Christianity to sit up and take notice – to wake up to what is
coming and to get ready.

This dream/vision has left its mark in my soul, its essence lingers
still… I believe that the Lord Jesus is about to do a new work in His Church.