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dresses again

Posted by: Deblfine <Deblfine@...>

Hi Ladies-

Can we bring up this topic again? I have been wearing dresses full time for
over 3 months now. And then today dh says he wants me to wear jeans! He
thinks I look nicer in jeans, and he thought the dresses were just a "phase",
that's why he never said anything sooner.

Not sure how to approach this. My dh is a wonderful man who is not as
convicted as I am on most things. He has a good heart, but just isn't where
I'm at on alot of issues.

So-- give me your thoughts on this. Do I fully submit and get back into
pants? Do I do a little of both? Do I sit down and talk with him and show him
why I believe this?
We talked a long time today about modesty, and feminity etc, but he feels
that I can be modest in jeans and still be feminine, (and sexy too, he added.
Which is funny that he even cares what I wear when I'm so overweightt--
there's nothing sexy about me in a dress or pants!)

Eager for your ideas and thoughts on this-
Debbie in TN