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Drive mapping

Posted by: n2theson <n2theson@...>

Drive letters C:, D:, E: and F: are currently in use on my system. In addition, G: and U: are mapped network drives on my work server (G: for Groups, a shared virtual drive; U: for User, a private virtual drive), only accessible when I am connected via VPN, which I only do when necessary.


When I insert a USB thumb drive into my (now working nicely!) hub, it is always assigned the drive letter G: but then, due to conflict with my already-mapped-but-not-accessible network drive, the thumb drive is not visible. I then have to go into Disk Management and change the drive letter to H: in order for it to be visible to the system.


This is a hassle every time I insert a thumb drive. I don't understand, first of all, why it doesn't skip G: since it's mapped. And I don't know how to force the system to skip G: and go to H: when a USB drive is added.


Any insight? Thanks!


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