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E-Pistle for August 29, 2016

Posted by: info <info@...>


FreeWay Foundation            August 29, 2016, 2016


Standing Together on the High Ground

(II Samuel 2:1-32)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on the contents of this chapter

            1.  David inquired of the Lord and was instructed to settle in Hebron;

                 he and his two wives, along with all his troops and their families,

                 moved to Hebron; the men of the Tribe of Judah anointed David

                 as their king; David invited the men of Jabesh Gilead (who had

                 buried King Saul's body) to join him, but they refused, vv. 1-7.

            2.  Abner, Saul's army general, anointed Saul's surviving son,

                 Isbosheth, to be the king of Israel; he reigned over the eleven

                 tribes for two years, while David reigned over Judah for more

                 than seven years before finally assuming the throne over the

                 entire nation, vv. 8-11.

            3.  A civil war was fought between Ishbosheth's troops commanded

                 by Abner and David's men commanded by Joab; during the

                 initial battle, Abner was forced to kill Joab's brother, Asahel,

                 vv. 12-24.

            4.  Abner called for a truce, and Joab agreed; in the battle, Abner

                 had lost 360 men, but Joab had lost only 20, including his

                 brother, vv. 25-32.

II.  Meditation:  on II Samuel 2:25

            "Now the children of Benjamin gathered together behind Abner

            and became a unit (one band), and took their stand on top of

            a hill."

III.  Revelation:  on the spiritual implications of this verse

            Abner's troops are to be commended because:

            1.  They rallied behind their leader.

            2.  They were together . . . a unified team, with one mind and one


            3.  They took their stand with courage and conviction.

            4.  They occupied the "high ground."

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian leader, I appreciate such soldiers because . . .

            1.  A person cannot be an effective leader unless he has loyal, reliable

                 troops who will back him and follow him, Hebrews 13:17.

            2.  Our only chance of victory in spiritual warfare is through unity and

                 teamwork empowered by the Holy Spirit; we much be together . . .

                 "on the same page,"  Acts 2:1, 46; Philippians 2:2.

            3.  The true measure of quality troops is how they behave "under fire";

                 a leader values followers who will stand with him even though they

                 are outnumbered and out-manned . . . because they have faith in

                 God, confidence in the leader, and commitment to the cause.

            4.  The strategic place for waging any battle is the high ground; in

                 spiritual ministry, maintaining a position of Biblical morality, godly

                 ethics, pure motives, and true integrity is an absolute "must" . . .

                 compare II Corinthians 10:3-5 and James 1:19-20.





Perilous times

(II Timothy 3:1-17)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on the signs of "perilous times"

            1.  Men will be involved in continuing, expanding gross sins, vv. 2-4:

            (1)  Lovers of self          (7)  Unthankful               (13)  Brutal

            (2)  Lovers of money     (8)  Unholy                    (14)  Despisers of good

            (3)  Boasters                 (9)  Unloving                 (15)  Traitors

            (4)  Proud                     (10)  Unforgiving           (16)  Headstrong

            (5)  Blasphemers           (11)  Slanderers             (17)  Haughty

            (6)  Disobedient            (12)  Without                 (18)  Lovers of

                  to parents                       self-control                   pleasure

            2.  Men will have a form of godliness, but deny God's power today, v. 5.

            3.  Men continually will be studying but never able to come to the knowledge

                 of the truth, v. 7.

            4.  Evil men and imposters will grow worse and worse, deceiving others and

                 even being deceived themselves, v. 13.

II.  Meditation:  on following Paul's example

            1.  Teach clear doctrine, based on the Scripture, v. 10.

            2.  Copy lifestyle of faithfulness and integrity, v. 10.

            3.  Perceive God's specific purpose (destiny), v. 10.

            4.  Endure persecution (which all Christians will encounter), vv. 11-12.

III.  Revelation:  on Paul's challenge to Timothy

            1.  Continue with assurance in the things which you have learned. v. 14.

            2.  Have confidence in the Holy Scriptures and in those believers who

                 taught them to you, vv. 14-15.

            3.  Use the divinely inspired Scriptures to teach salvation, doctrine, reproof,

                 correction, and instruction in righteousness, vv. 15-16.

            4.  Grow into spiritual maturity, fully equipped to perform every good work

                 assigned to you by God, v. 17.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Avoid, through the power and grace of God, the gross sins listed above.

            2.  Experience the power of God in my life . . . not having merely "the form

                 of godliness."

            3.  Study (meditate on; listen to) God's word, and allow Him to bring me to

                 "the knowledge of the truth."

            4.  Have spiritual perception to enable me to reject false teachers and

                 teachings, and to embrace true teachers and teachings of God's word.


"You can be greater than anything that can happen to you."

--Norman Vincent Peale





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