E-pistle for November 24, 2016
Quote from Forum Archives on November 28, 2016, 10:54 amPosted by: info <info@...>
FreeWay Foundation November 24, 2016
david on the mount of Olives
(II Samuel 15:1-37)
Dr. Curt Scarborough
I. Concentration: on the events of this chapter:
1. Absalom won the hearts of the people of Israel, subtly hinting the he would
solve their problems if only he were the king, vv. 1-5.
2. Absalom led his treasonous supporters to Hebron, where they proclaimed
him king of Israel, vv. 7-12.
3. David and his royal court fled from Jerusalem, leaving behind only ten
concubines to maintain the daily functioning of the palace, vv. 13-18.
4. Ittai, the Philistine who commanded David's bodyguard, refused to abandon
the king, pledging his loyalty even unto death, vv. 19-23.
5. Zadok, the high priest, along with Abiathar, their sons, and the Levites,
accompanied David, bringing the Ark of the Covenant; David ordered them
to return to Jerusalem and serve as spies for him, vv. 24-29.
6. David and his companions wept as they ascended the Mount of Olives; he
learned of the defection of his chief advisor, Ahithophel; David prayed that
Ahithophel's counsel would turn into foolishness; at the top of the mountain,
David worshipped God, vv. 30-32.
7. There David met Hushai, his friend (advisor; counselor), whom he sent back
into Jerusalem to thwart the advice which would be given to Absalom by
Ahithophel, vv. 32-37.
II. Meditation: on the foreshadows of the experiences of the Jesus, the Messiah:
1. Like Simon Peter, Ittai boldly proclaimed his undying loyalty to his Lord.
2. Like God the Father (Who turned His back on Jesus while He was dying on
the cross), the presence of God (symbolized by the Ark) was separated
from David during this heart-rending experience.
3. Like Judas Iscariot, Ahithophel (David's trusted companion) conspired
against him and betrayed him to the enemy.
4. Like Jesus Christ, David wept on the Mount of Olives . . . and he humbly
worshipped God in submission to His divine will.
III. Revelation and Applications:
1. Like Ittai, I need to pledge my allegiance to my Lord, and remain faithful to
Him no matter what the cost may be.
2. Like Zadok (and the other priests), I need to obey my Lord, even though His
commands may seem strange and contrary to human reasons.
3. Like Hushai, I need to share the compassionate heart of my Lord (v. 32), as
I join in His sufferings.
4. Like David, I need to humbly worship my Lord, submitting to His divine will
being done in my life.
Happy Thanksgiving to all from all of us
at FreeWay Foundation and
Pillsbury-Scarborough Bible College & Seminary
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Posted by: info <info@...>
FreeWay Foundation November 24, 2016
david on the mount of Olives
(II Samuel 15:1-37)
Dr. Curt Scarborough
I. Concentration: on the events of this chapter:
1. Absalom won the hearts of the people of Israel, subtly hinting the he would
solve their problems if only he were the king, vv. 1-5.
2. Absalom led his treasonous supporters to Hebron, where they proclaimed
him king of Israel, vv. 7-12.
3. David and his royal court fled from Jerusalem, leaving behind only ten
concubines to maintain the daily functioning of the palace, vv. 13-18.
4. Ittai, the Philistine who commanded David's bodyguard, refused to abandon
the king, pledging his loyalty even unto death, vv. 19-23.
5. Zadok, the high priest, along with Abiathar, their sons, and the Levites,
accompanied David, bringing the Ark of the Covenant; David ordered them
to return to Jerusalem and serve as spies for him, vv. 24-29.
6. David and his companions wept as they ascended the Mount of Olives; he
learned of the defection of his chief advisor, Ahithophel; David prayed that
Ahithophel's counsel would turn into foolishness; at the top of the mountain,
David worshipped God, vv. 30-32.
7. There David met Hushai, his friend (advisor; counselor), whom he sent back
into Jerusalem to thwart the advice which would be given to Absalom by
Ahithophel, vv. 32-37.
II. Meditation: on the foreshadows of the experiences of the Jesus, the Messiah:
1. Like Simon Peter, Ittai boldly proclaimed his undying loyalty to his Lord.
2. Like God the Father (Who turned His back on Jesus while He was dying on
the cross), the presence of God (symbolized by the Ark) was separated
from David during this heart-rending experience.
3. Like Judas Iscariot, Ahithophel (David's trusted companion) conspired
against him and betrayed him to the enemy.
4. Like Jesus Christ, David wept on the Mount of Olives . . . and he humbly
worshipped God in submission to His divine will.
III. Revelation and Applications:
1. Like Ittai, I need to pledge my allegiance to my Lord, and remain faithful to
Him no matter what the cost may be.
2. Like Zadok (and the other priests), I need to obey my Lord, even though His
commands may seem strange and contrary to human reasons.
3. Like Hushai, I need to share the compassionate heart of my Lord (v. 32), as
I join in His sufferings.
4. Like David, I need to humbly worship my Lord, submitting to His divine will
being done in my life.
Happy Thanksgiving to all from all of us
at FreeWay Foundation and
Pillsbury-Scarborough Bible College & Seminary
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