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E-pistle for November 6, 2015

Posted by: info <info@...>


FreeWay Foundation            November 6, 2015



god's transition to new leadership

(I Samuel 12:1-25)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on the contents of this chapter

            1.  Samuel called upon the nation to testify and witness against him if he

                 ever had treated them unjustly; they affirmed his integrity, vv. 1-5.

            2.  Samuel reviewed the Lord's protection and provision of the Jewish

                 nation from the time of Jacob, to Moses and the Exodus, to the

                 judges, and to the present day when Saul had defeated Nahash;

                 Samuel urged Israel to fear, serve, and obey God, or their rebellion

                 would bring God's divine punishment, vv. 6-15.

            3.  To emphasize his warning of judgment, Samuel prayed and God sent

                 miraculous, unseasonable thunder and rain; in fear, the people begged

                 for Samuel to pray for them as they confessed their sins, including the

                 sin of asking for a king, vv. 16-19.  Samuel comforted and encouraged

                 the nation; he assured them that he never would cease to pray for them

                 and that he would continue to teach them God's good and right way; he

                 concluded his address at Saul's coronation with a solemn warning of

                 God's punishment if they failed to live righteously, vv. 20-15.

II.  Meditation:  on Samuel's example of being a true man of God . . .

            1.  He lives a life of complete integrity before God and the people, vv. 4-5.

            2.  He speaks the words of God plainly and courageously, vv. 14-15.

            3.  He has spiritual power, as the Lord answers his prayers, vv. 16-18.

            4.  He loves his people and continuously comforts, encourages, teaches,

                 and prays for them, vv. 23-15.

III.  Revelation:  on some spiritual lessons for times of leadership transition

            1.  A change of leadership does not necessarily mean that the former leader

                 was unworthy, ungodly, or unsuccessful.

            2.  A new or different method or structure does not mean that the old way

                 was wrong or ineffective.

            3.  The old leader should step aside gracefully in God's time, giving full

                 support and encouragement to the new leader.

            4.  The old leader should sincerely hope and pray for the new leader to

                 accomplish greater things and to be more successful; anything less than

                 this humble attitude is a sin!

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian leader, I need to . . .

            1.  Live a life of total integrity before God and man.

            2.  Realize that new methods and new structures often are necessary to meet

                 new challenges and new opportunities.

            3.  Give full and sincere support to my successor.

            4.  Pray for bigger successes and more glorious days of victory in the future

                 than I ever experienced and enjoyed in the past.





praying with the affection of Christ

(Philippians 1:8-11)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on Paul's prayer for the Philippians (vv. 8-11)

            1.  That your love may abound still more in knowledge and all discernment.

            2.  That you may approve the things that are excellent.

            3.  That you may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ.

            4.  (That you may be) filled with the fruits of righteousness which are by

                 Christ Jesus, to the glory and praise of God.

II.  Meditation:  on the spiritual traits in this text

            1.  SPIRITUAL VISION, v. 9.

            2.  SPIRITUAL VALUES, v. 10.

            3.  SPIRITUAL VIRTUE, v. 10.

            4.  SPIRITUAL VITALITY, v. 11.

III.  Revelation:  spiritual discernment regarding these ideas

            1.  Abounding love results from knowing Christ intimately and discerning

                 His will . . . SPIRITUAL VISION

            2.  Such love (knowledge and discernment) causes a believer to be pleased

                 with (accept and commend) things that are worthy, choice, and remarkably

                 good . . . SPIRITUAL VALUES.

            3.  SPIRITUAL VISION  (#1) plus SPIRITUAL VALUES  (#2) produces SPIRITUAL



                 produce SPIRITUAL VITALITY . . . fruitfulness:  FILLED WITH THE FRUITS OF

                 RIGHTEOUSNESS," v. 11.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to cultivate . . .

            1.  SPIRITUAL VISION – knowledge and discernment of God's love.

            2.  SPIRITUAL VALUES – accepting and commending God's best.

            3.  SPIRITUAL VIRTUES – integrity:  sincerity without offense.

            4.  SPIRITUAL VITALITY – bearing much fruit.


PRAYER:  Lord, give me greater knowledge of Your love and greater discernment of

                    Your purpose.  Help me to prioritize the things which are spiritually excellent

                    and valuable.  Strengthen me to walk in unfailing integrity.  Use me to produce

                    abundant fruits of righteousness.  AMEN







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