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Posted by: cyberkat <cyberkat@...>

This is a sobering (and well documented) little article on Ebola.
September 2014

Ebola, the tipping point

By Eric Sprott

We are currently in the midst of the largest ever Ebola outbreak in Western Africa, and this could just be the beginning. The number of cases and deaths has risen steadily, from a handful of people in Guinea at the end of March 2014 to several thousand now (Figure 1), not only in Guinea, but in Liberia, Sierra Leone, recently extending to Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).1

A key metric to understand just how severe the epidemic can become is the basic reproductive rate, or R0, which measures the number of cases an infected patient generates while he is in his infectious period.2 A 2007 research paper by epidemiology experts at the “Université Pierre et Marie Curie” in Paris have found that Ebola has a R0 of about 2.7, which means the number of cases can multiply at a very fast pace.3 One of the key recommendations from the study is to implement control measures rapidly to prevent the spread of the epidemic. They say that increasing hospitalization rates significantly reduces the predicted epidemic size.

Figure 1: Confirmed, Probable, and Suspect Cases of Ebola
(Guinea, Liberia, And Sierra Leone)

Source: World Health Organization

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