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educational philosophy and would you really want me as a neighbor? (reply to Johanna)

Posted by: marli <marli@...>

Hi Johanna,
I think I would have continued to be a "school at home" kind of person,
following a structured path and all if God hadn't brought our four babies to
us. That experience really threw me for a loop as far as organization and
structure goes. This summer I have been discovering just how un-organized I
have become during the last few years of babies. I have dejunked and cleaned
out several years' accumulation that I would have never allowed had it not
been for our family expanding.

I have had my share of guilt over not devoting the time to "school" that I
thought I should and have my days where I feel like I've failed my older
boys in their education, but I've really begun to look at things differently
and have begun to desire to teach them what God wants them to know, not man.
Had I concentrated on teaching them more of Him rather than of academics, we
would all be better off today.

We are seriously talking about relocating, have our days of feeling
comfortable where we are and familiar with our routine and surroundings.
Other days, we become frustrated with trying to overcome the challenges of
our area and start talking about another place. Ultimately, we know only God
can make it happen as we have listed our house for sale before and the Lord
prevented it from being sold on more than one occasion. Of course, we can
look back now and say "Wow, praise Him that He kept us from making that
stupid move!" I don't know if you'd want me as a neighbor right
oldest son just gave himself a mohawk last night! (I hope I won't be booted
from the list for admitting this ) While he is a neat person with many
special traits, he is making some choices that are definitely not ours nor
what we dreamed he would choose. Since he's almost 18, dh feels that he
should be making many of his decisions and learning the consequences before
he is out on his own. I'm reluctant to admit that we aren't the "picture
perfect" homeschooling family that I envisioned we would be. I am very much
a modesty gal, wearing mostly dresses and living simply and have ideas about
how I'd like my children to look, but I am trying to allow the older ones
opportunities to make their own choices. As you have probably guessed, my
oldest isn't the most submissive child in the world either 🙂 When we are
ready to seriously start looking, I would love a real estate magazine from
you. Thanks so much, Lisa