EULEY HUDSON - remarkable story
Quote from Forum Archives on November 1, 2003, 8:26 pmPosted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>
MODERATOR: On my last trip to the USA my friend Jim
Brooks took me to the place where the Second Great
Awakening began - at the Red River Meeting House in
Kentucky. As we walked through the ancient grounds
toward the replica Meeting House I felt a sudden sense
of God's presence that almost brought me to tears. This
was the field where the first Revival "Camp-meeting"
was held. Jim told me that a lot of people feel something
similar walking through that area. Almost as though some
sense of the great Revival still remains after 200 years.It was on this visit that Jim told me of his friend Euley
Hudson, who I understand was a Church of God
preacher. Euley had been given a powerful insight into
the coming move of God - even experiencing a taste of
what it will be like. Here is his story:
From: "Jim Brooks" <>"The Remarkable Experience of Euley Hudson"
-by Jim Brooks.I first met Euley about 20 years ago. He was an
independent evangelist. Some years before, while working
as a car salesman, he felt God calling him to go around the
world preaching the gospel. No church, denomination, or
mission board that he approached would back him, so he
determined to go forth on his own. He told God that though
man would not back him, he was going to obey God and let
God provide. God did indeed provide him with the means
to go around the world and he saw many miracles as he
went. After that he began making regular trips to Communist
China and to Israel, preaching on the streets and wherever
he could.After some years of this, Euley was returning home from a
trip to Israel. He had left Israel, gone to Europe, and was
flying home to the States. He told me that for some reason
he felt discouraged and a bit depressed. As he sat in his
seat on the plane, the Spirit of the Lord came upon him,
and God told him several things. The Lord told him that in
not to many years there would be a great revival. He told
Euley that this revival would be noteworthy for the huge
number of people who would be saved without anyone even
mentioning repentance or salvation to them. God told him
that people would be walking down the street when suddenly
conviction would come upon them and they would repent
and would turn to the Lord. God told him that people would
without warning come under conviction by the presence of
the Lord and would often collapse on the ground where they
were. (This was also common during the Great Revival of
1800 in the states of Tennessee and Kentucky, as well as in
the Ulster Revival of 1859 - plus many others.)God told Euley that as a sign that this was true, he would
see people for a time physically collapse when he came
near them, coming under conviction and repenting without
him or anyone witnessing to them. He said that about the
time the Lord told him that, an elderly Dutch lady who was
seated near him on the plane burst into uncontrollable tears.
She did not speak English, but another lady translated that
the elderly woman suddenly felt that she was not pleasing
to God. Euley talked to her and prayed for her with the other
lady translating. She gradually began sobbing and became
very happy. Then others on the plane began to cry and he
stood and talked to all on the plane about the Lord.Even more people began to cry then.
After the plane landed at Kennedy Airport, Euley made his
way inside. As he walked across across the terminal, a man
pushing a cart full of luggage stopped as he approached
Euley and began crying tears and saying that he was a
sinner who needed to repent. Several other people, as Euley
came near them, also began to cry. Outside on the street,
several people fell weeping against the side of buildings as
he passed them.As Euley was telling me this, a couple sitting with us who
were close friends of mine, interrupted Euley to tell me what
had happened with them only two days before. They had
taken Euley to lunch and as he was telling them this same
story, their waitress, as she walked towards their table,
suddenly began to cry and sob. She turned and went into the
ladies' room. My friend's wife went in after her, and found her
sobbing against the wall. The waitress said that she was a
Christian, but that she had not had time for God for several
years. She said that was all going to change, as she intended
to start back to church and to allow God to rule her life like He
wanted to. This was what Euley had been told would one day
be a common thing, when the great coming revival arrives.My grandmother said of the coming revival that it would be
the greatest move of God that the world had ever seen. She
said it would begin sometime after the year 2000. She said
that both judgement and revival would come upon America
and the world. When I asked her when these things would
begin, her reply was that she did not know the time, only
that it would be sometime after the year 2000. She did tell
me that a sign that judgement was beginning would be
when a large building in New York City was destroyed by
people from a Muslim country. She said those people would
hate America and Americans, though she did not know why
they would. Grandmother said they would completely destroy
a building in New York City. She said they would not do it
with a bomb, though it would appear to have been bombed.
Grandmother said everyone in America would know about it
the hour it happened. Before the day was over, she said the
whole world would have heard about it. It was in 1958 or 59
that she told me this. She said this would be a sign that
judgement had begun.I asked her what most Americans would think as they saw
judgement beginning? Her reply was that most Americans
would close their eyes and blindly go on as if nothing was
wrong, as if nothing had changed. I said, "But of course the
Christians will see that something is wrong because such
a tragedy happened in this country." Her reply was that on
the contrary, most Christians would close their eyes and be
as blind as the rest of the population. A few, she said, would
be following God and would see what was coming. Most
Christians in America, she said, did not follow God and so
would not see or heed the warnings He would give. They
would not know what was coming because they listened to
man and not to God.- Dr.James Brooks.
Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>
Brooks took me to the place where the Second Great
Awakening began - at the Red River Meeting House in
Kentucky. As we walked through the ancient grounds
toward the replica Meeting House I felt a sudden sense
of God's presence that almost brought me to tears. This
was the field where the first Revival "Camp-meeting"
was held. Jim told me that a lot of people feel something
similar walking through that area. Almost as though some
sense of the great Revival still remains after 200 years.
It was on this visit that Jim told me of his friend Euley
Hudson, who I understand was a Church of God
preacher. Euley had been given a powerful insight into
the coming move of God - even experiencing a taste of
what it will be like. Here is his story:
From: "Jim Brooks" <>
"The Remarkable Experience of Euley Hudson"
-by Jim Brooks.
I first met Euley about 20 years ago. He was an
independent evangelist. Some years before, while working
as a car salesman, he felt God calling him to go around the
world preaching the gospel. No church, denomination, or
mission board that he approached would back him, so he
determined to go forth on his own. He told God that though
man would not back him, he was going to obey God and let
God provide. God did indeed provide him with the means
to go around the world and he saw many miracles as he
went. After that he began making regular trips to Communist
China and to Israel, preaching on the streets and wherever
he could.
After some years of this, Euley was returning home from a
trip to Israel. He had left Israel, gone to Europe, and was
flying home to the States. He told me that for some reason
he felt discouraged and a bit depressed. As he sat in his
seat on the plane, the Spirit of the Lord came upon him,
and God told him several things. The Lord told him that in
not to many years there would be a great revival. He told
Euley that this revival would be noteworthy for the huge
number of people who would be saved without anyone even
mentioning repentance or salvation to them. God told him
that people would be walking down the street when suddenly
conviction would come upon them and they would repent
and would turn to the Lord. God told him that people would
without warning come under conviction by the presence of
the Lord and would often collapse on the ground where they
were. (This was also common during the Great Revival of
1800 in the states of Tennessee and Kentucky, as well as in
the Ulster Revival of 1859 - plus many others.)
God told Euley that as a sign that this was true, he would
see people for a time physically collapse when he came
near them, coming under conviction and repenting without
him or anyone witnessing to them. He said that about the
time the Lord told him that, an elderly Dutch lady who was
seated near him on the plane burst into uncontrollable tears.
She did not speak English, but another lady translated that
the elderly woman suddenly felt that she was not pleasing
to God. Euley talked to her and prayed for her with the other
lady translating. She gradually began sobbing and became
very happy. Then others on the plane began to cry and he
stood and talked to all on the plane about the Lord.
Even more people began to cry then.
After the plane landed at Kennedy Airport, Euley made his
way inside. As he walked across across the terminal, a man
pushing a cart full of luggage stopped as he approached
Euley and began crying tears and saying that he was a
sinner who needed to repent. Several other people, as Euley
came near them, also began to cry. Outside on the street,
several people fell weeping against the side of buildings as
he passed them.
As Euley was telling me this, a couple sitting with us who
were close friends of mine, interrupted Euley to tell me what
had happened with them only two days before. They had
taken Euley to lunch and as he was telling them this same
story, their waitress, as she walked towards their table,
suddenly began to cry and sob. She turned and went into the
ladies' room. My friend's wife went in after her, and found her
sobbing against the wall. The waitress said that she was a
Christian, but that she had not had time for God for several
years. She said that was all going to change, as she intended
to start back to church and to allow God to rule her life like He
wanted to. This was what Euley had been told would one day
be a common thing, when the great coming revival arrives.
My grandmother said of the coming revival that it would be
the greatest move of God that the world had ever seen. She
said it would begin sometime after the year 2000. She said
that both judgement and revival would come upon America
and the world. When I asked her when these things would
begin, her reply was that she did not know the time, only
that it would be sometime after the year 2000. She did tell
me that a sign that judgement was beginning would be
when a large building in New York City was destroyed by
people from a Muslim country. She said those people would
hate America and Americans, though she did not know why
they would. Grandmother said they would completely destroy
a building in New York City. She said they would not do it
with a bomb, though it would appear to have been bombed.
Grandmother said everyone in America would know about it
the hour it happened. Before the day was over, she said the
whole world would have heard about it. It was in 1958 or 59
that she told me this. She said this would be a sign that
judgement had begun.
I asked her what most Americans would think as they saw
judgement beginning? Her reply was that most Americans
would close their eyes and blindly go on as if nothing was
wrong, as if nothing had changed. I said, "But of course the
Christians will see that something is wrong because such
a tragedy happened in this country." Her reply was that on
the contrary, most Christians would close their eyes and be
as blind as the rest of the population. A few, she said, would
be following God and would see what was coming. Most
Christians in America, she said, did not follow God and so
would not see or heed the warnings He would give. They
would not know what was coming because they listened to
man and not to God.
- Dr.James Brooks.