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Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>


-AT MORIAH CHAPEL, WALES - Where Welsh Revival Began

I will publish details shortly, but I just wanted to let people know
that this Gathering is taking place. I have been deeply burdened
for Wales lately, so I am truly delighted to be able to confirm that
it is happening.

Moriah Chapel was the place where the Welsh Revival broke out
in 1904. It seats around 500 people - and was the home base for
Evan Roberts (the Welsh Revivalist). When I was ministering in
Wales in November we visited Moriah and I got talking to the man
there. Somehow we began to discuss holding a Gathering in the
Chapel for preaching and prayer. It is a very rare opportunity, and
I have been astonished that it is even happening! But we have
been given the Chapel to use for such an event in the first
weekend of April 2009. (Naturally it will be free-entry).

There will be prayer. There will be preaching. I believe it will be
a truly international gathering. People from other nations have
already said they want to be there. David Servant (USA) has
confirmed he is available to speak, along with a well-known
Holiness preacher from Denmark - and more. But really it is an
opportunity to seek God and hear His heart - and to pray for
nations like Wales that have tragically lost their Revivals. How
we need to pray for these places!

Even if you are in other countries, please seek God to see if He
wants you at this Gathering, my friends. I believe it could be important.

Further "official" announcements of the details will follow shortly on
this List. Please look out for these.

God bless you, and Thankyou for your prayers,

Andrew Strom.