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[Expense] At the, of others regardless

Posted by: AcesThumpBass <AcesThumpBass@...>

What' up Church Bass -

I am glad that Ashdown issue is past us, aren't you?  Whew!!! Some have called others names like: Arrogant, self righteous, judgmental and piousness,

which is no worse than being blasphemous... Part of this is a copied tag, yet I have seen others call other names. Isn't there a name for those that name call? I for one know that only three people, at best, on this Church Bass list actually KNOW me. And, there is much to my life and about me mentally and spritually that they don't know.  I am sure that many of you reading this can make the same claim. Many of the people on this list really don't KNOW you.

I am still learning the list -yep, even after 6 years. I just think that many people take some issues too seriously, others refuse to ask the author of a particular thread what they meant. They then proceed to place their judgment on the author, according to their own understanding - Which is being judgmental within itself. Others just simply like to argue their point, some to a continual rant. Then their are some that just like to argue. Everything has to fit within their time, space, way of thinking, their logic, their study on a particular subject or particular piece of gear. The list goes on and on about things that I can sit here and complain about. The listing can go even further if I were to sit here and pick apart someone's thread WORD FOR WORD as some of you do. I could retaliate onlist as some of you do. Then I realized something: I have grown spiritually and mentally. I have retaliated onlist before. It was against my brother, Marc Miller. However, Marc and I have settled any differences that arose from my stupid commentary both onlist, through personal e-mails and in person at Bassapalooza. Some of you just like to toss wood into the fire, you never say I am sorry for the whirlwinds that you cause onlist at Church Bass and you don't attend any of the gatherings to meet many of the people that you complain about to get to KNOW them. Some of you simply like to make your point, preach from your low but wanna be high chair, spew scriptures within your own "Personal" context, to try and back your reasoning for being rude to others onlist. Simply put, you write anything you want, at the expense of others on the list and you do it regardless of how others will feel about your commentary.  

Proverbs 29:11 reads (NIV) - A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control.

I had to keep reading this scripture while writting this. Why? So I don't become personal and attacking, as many of you do. There is an old school, slighly ghetto saying that I like and many of you should consider it before you post or reply to threads onlist. -  Check Yourself, Before You Wreck Yourself!

Alan Ace Cooper