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Experience God

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

Every now and then I'll meet someone or receive an email from someone who wants to know why I tell people about Jesus. "After all," they'll say "isn't it presumptuous to think you have the answer when there are so many faiths?" or "Don't you know the Bible says don't judge people, you're supposed to accept them where they are."

I share the gospel with people for two reasons:

1) Jesus told me to.

Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Matthew 28:18-20 NIV

2) I believe that God has revealed His plan for eternal life through Jesus and that it is the most important exciting news there is. People spend billions of dollars and countless hours seeking the answers to life. All I do is share that answer. I believe it would be morally wrong not to.

In terms of sharing the gospel being judgemental, let me say this. The fact that I share the gospel is out of love, I can't force you to accept it. Only God can judge your heart and know whether you have accepted Him or not.

When I share the gospel it is not because I feel superior as a Christian. Quite the contrary in fact, since I have become I Christian, I have become all too conscious of how human and messed up I am (like everybody else). I share it out of love.

It's not my place to judge someone's behaviour, I'm called to love them. At the same time it's not my place to participate in or condone their behaviour either. Like the bumper stick says "Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven!"

I can love you, share Jesus with you and accept you, without getting drunk with you, or doing drugs with you, or chasing adulterous relationships with you or participating in your favourite vice. I'm a person too; I have enough issues to deal with, without joining you in your problem.

I've done my share of incredibly stupid things and rebelled against God. I know the only difference between us is that I have found the secret to forgiveness and made being made right with you. I just want to share it with you.

The best analogy I’ve heard is that sharing Jesus is like one beggar telling another beggar where to find bread. I’m just one sinner telling another sinner where to find unconditional love and forgiveness. Just because I'm a Christian doesn't make me better than you.

If hearing the truth about Jesus makes you feel judged, it's not me doing the judging, it is something inside of you reminding you of what you already know, there is something wrong in your life. Some might call it conscience, but I believe it is Holy Spirit working in your heart.

Some people will get angry at the gospel and the messenger because of that feeling of conviction. That's their choice. The reality is that while they may get angry with the messenger, it is really the sender of the message that makes them uncomfortable

"The world cannot hate you, but it hates me because I testify that what it does is evil." John 7:7 NIV

I'm truly sorry if the message makes you uncomfortable, but to not share it with you would be wrong and sometimes the truth hurts. I can't make you love Jesus, nor can I change you, you have to do that with God's help.

Until next time, if you are a believer continue to share Jesus with others. If you aren’t yet A Christian take a look at the hope He offers you.

Be Blessed!!!

Love and Prayers,


If you haven't made the decision to accept Christ, or don't know what I mean when I say this, email me and I'll share some Bible verses that explain why a personal relationship with Jesus is so important and a prayer that will make it possible.

Or, simply begin the relationship by saying a prayer along the lines of:


I have made many mistakes in my life and done things I am not proud of. I need your love and forgiveness. I believe that you came into this world and gave your life on a cross to pay for my sins and that you defeated death and rose again. Please forgive me, and be the Lord of my life. I give my life to you Lord.
