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"FACILITATORS" - Please Reply?

Posted by: revival2 <revival2@...>

*IMPORTANT*: If you REPLY to this email, please write in
the 'subject' line your nearest Major City and State/ Nation.
FRANCE", etc. It will make things so much easier!

-by Andrew Strom.

The most crucial thing we need if we are going to use this List to
connect people, is 'Facilitators' in each region. I am hoping that
we may be able to find at least two or three in each area. There
is no doubt that this is something of a "leadership" role - but it is
one that has to be totally based in 'servanthood' above all else.
There are so many good-hearted people that I have come across
on this List. Please apply for this job if that is you - because we
need open and honest and anointed people for this task. Someone
that is secretly out for themselves or to promote "their ministry"
or build up "their own thing" will cause a world of problems. This
really is a selfless job that needs to be done here. We need to
connect people together and facilitate true "Body ministry".

Below are some criteria that will help us find the right people:

(1) Do you feel "called" in some way to leadership of this kind?
Do you have a God-given desire to serve the Body?

(2) Are you a "facilitating" kind of person? Do you naturally LOVE
to see OTHERS raised up into their calling - not just yourself? Do
you love to encourage and bring others forward in God?

(3) It will help greatly if you are already the leader of a prayer
group or house-church or something similar.

(4) Please read the 'Qualifications for an Elder' in 1 Tim 3:1-12.
Do you truly "qualify" for this kind of job, according to this passage?
(Note the instruction- "Must not be a NOVICE, lest PRIDE enter in",
etc. Do you have enough YEARS and enough EXPERIENCE in the
things of the Spirit, to do this job properly?)

(5) It may be an advantage if you have been on our List or website
for a couple of years. (-Not totally essential).

(6) Do you have the ORGANIZING ABILITY to help plan a simple
Conference in your region?

(7) Are you willing to be publicized as a "contact person" - so that
people in your area will be able to call you and be connected to others?

One of the main things that these Facilitators will be responsible
for is arranging the larger Gatherings. (-These may be monthly or
whatever). A lot of these meetings will involve "open-mic" times
where the Body can minister to the Body. It takes a lot of sensitivity
to lead these kinds of meetings - because so many people have
wonderful things to share, but sometimes there are those who will
ruin things if they are allowed to speak too much. Usually we set
a "time limit" of 5 minutes per person, but sometimes I will go so
far as to ask a particular person NOT to speak. (I hate doing this,
but sometimes it is necessary). We want to be as "open" as we
can, without losing our discernment or common-sense.

In essence these will be "prayer" meetings - open for anyone to
lead in prayer or share a word or bring a 'spiritual song', etc. -Then
a "sharing time" near the end. We need to have meetings that are
truly "open" for the Holy Spirit to move - but not so open that the
devil can get in and ruin things! I have to say that mostly I have
found it best to trust people and to err on the side of "openness".

When this whole thing gathers steam, I think a lot of people will
want to start prayer groups in their homes as well. -Which is great!
Obviously you do not need "permission". Just go for it!


As you can tell, the only way we are going to be able to do all of
this is to have good Facilitators in each region to help bring
people together.

So if you believe you may be a suitable person for this task,
PLEASE PRAY about helping us with this. Some of you may
already have a sense from God that you are meant to be involved.
As I said, we are hoping for several Facilitators from each region.
If we don't get these people, it is likely that whole areas may
miss out. -So please pray about helping us, my friends.

If you feel right about it, then PLEASE REPLY to this email. When
you do so, it will be helpful if you can put your nearest MAJOR
CITY and STATE in the 'subject' line. (eg. "HOUSTON, TEXAS" or
"SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA", etc). Also, please let us know a bit of
background about yourself and include your PHONE NUMBER in
case we need it. If you lead a small group already, then please
include that also.

Please ONLY reply to this email if you want to be a 'Facilitator'.
Our email address here is-

I know that God can do awesome things when like-minded
PRAYING PEOPLE are connected together. I am truly looking
forward to all your replies from around the world, my friends.

God bless you!

Kindest regards in Christ,

Andrew Strom.