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Posted by: rabuening <rabuening@...>


Genesis 3:20



A.someone has said, “if we are to ever beat the devil, we must beat him with the cradle”

1.the old saying is “the hand that rocks the cradle, rules the world”

2.the hand that rocks the cradle is the hand of motherhood, therefore mothers hold in their hands the supreme opportunity of moving the world for God we are celebrating Mother’s Day

1.this day should be more than just recognizing all the mothers present should be more than having a dinner in honor of our mothers should be more than giving flowers and cards to our mothers

4.we must understand that it is more than saying, “Mom, I love you”

5.we must recognized that Motherhood is at the top of God’s list of important thing

C.motherhood is an office appointed from God is a responsibility that each mother must take seriously look at motherhood in any other way is to lower the position that God has given it

3.there are many mothers in the Bible, and from each one we can learn something about Motherhood we will look at some of the more familiar mothers of the Bible, to learn from

II.Eve was a deceived mother

A.everyone knows the story of Eve, and her confrontation with the serpent (the devil) in the Garden

1.the reason she was deceived is because she was not under the protection of her protector, which was her husband, Adam – Ephesians 5:22-23

2.when a woman removes herself from her protector, she opens herself up to be deceived by the devil

3.“submit” means to stay under his control and authority

a)it is more than just cooking breakfast and dinner, two or three times a week

b)when this submission to the husband is not present, the wife opens herself up to an attack from the Deceiver – I Timothy 2:14

4.if Eve would have consulted her husband during those moments of temptation, she would not have been deceived, nor partaken of the forbidden fruit

B.she was deceived about the Word Of God. - Gen. 3:1-5

1.she accepted another interpretation of God’s Word, and it brought about spiritual death to her and her husband

2.Satan is the author of confusion

3.he made Eve believe that she could not understand the Word of God without his help

4.He made her to think that he could improve upon what God has said

5.when doubt concerning the truth and principles of the Word of God comes, the wife ought to consult with her husband – I Corinthians 14:34-35

C.She was deceived about the Sovereignty of God

1.he caused her to believe that God might be wrong in His demands on them

2.God is sovereign, He is God, and He is over all

D.She was deceived concerning the wrath of God

1.he deceived her into thinking that God would not carry out His promise of death

2.this is the way Satan always works:  he is a deceiver, a liar, and a home destroyer

III.Sarah was a carnal mother

A.she was unwilling to wait upon the Lord - Genesis 16:1-3

1.she was willing to give up her morals to get what she wanted

2.she didn’t want to wait on God, so She took the matter out of God’s hands and into her own power

3.when that happens only trouble and sorrow can result Genesis 18:9-14 Sarah’s laughter brought a reprimand to Abraham, from God

1.God didn’t speak to Sarah, but rather to Abraham

2.Abraham was responsible for her spiritual condition

C.because of her carnality, her thinking was irrational

1.carnality will always laugh at God, and exalt self will above God

2.carnality will always attempt to overrule God’s plan

IV.Hannah was a godly mother - I Samuel 1:9-23

A.Hannah was barren, as was Sarah, but she approached the Lord in a godly manner

1.she prayed and promised the Lord that she would raise her son in a godly manner

2.she even named the son according to her prayer because “Samuel” means heard of God

B.Hannah was willing to put motherhood above family tradition

1.She was willing to put motherhood above her own pleasure the yearly sacrifices they saw all of the kinfolk, and they could show-off their children

3.she kept him at home until he was weaned; she stayed home and cared for her son

C.God is still looking for mothers who will be godly

V.Jochebed was a trusting mother - Exodus 1:22-2:3

A.Jochebed’s baby (Moses), was born in troubled times did Jochebed cope with this situation

2.there is one waiting to devour the precious little one that God has given us – I Peter 5:8

a)unless we are like Jochebed, and unless we leave the safety and rearing to the ways of the Lord, we will lose our children

b)the time will come when you can no longer keep our child by your side

3.Jochebed put her son in the ark of safety

a)the ark of safety for us today is Christ

b)the same God who gave wisdom to Jochebed, will give us wisdom to care for our children

B.Jochebed knew there was a God

1.she knew He would take care of her son in the most fearful and dreadful times

2.we cannot raise our children apart from Christ strong and wise like Jochebed, and give our children to God; to be used of God in His manner

C.Moses became a mighty man

1.suppose Jochebed had tried to care for Moses in her own way, she would have lost him we rear our children, rear them for the Lord

3.follow the teachings of the Bible, and we will produce a child that can and will be used by and for God, instead of against God

VI.Mary was a rejoicing mother - Luke 1:46-48

A.why did Mary’s soul magnify the Lord

1.Mary was to be the vessel that would bring the Savior to the world

2.mothers are the vessels that God will use to bring their child to the Savior

B.why did Mary rejoice

1.Mary rejoiced because now all men can be saved

2.Mary rejoiced because salvation has come to all mankind

3.Mary rejoiced because her Son, Jesus Christ, is the Savior of the world

C.mothers have their children at their finger tips from birth to school age

1.those early years are so important in their training

2.during those years we can mold them into godly children

3.children are trained to be obedient and godly

4.they will be disobedient and ungodly naturally

D.Mary’s rejoicing did not exalt herself, but rather the Savior



Ron Buening
Beacon Baptist Church