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Father's Day...rough draft

Posted by: pastorbob <pastorbob@...>

June 18th                      Fathers Day


Ephesians 6:1-4 "Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. "Honor your father and mother" (this is the first commandment with a promise), "that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land."  Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord."   ESV


  1. Kids, obey your parents
    1. Maybe the way to better parents is to be better kids

                                                  i.      I was not always the best kid around

        1. Through God, my parents brought me into this world
        2. They cleaned me, fed me, took care of me
        3. They made sure I went to school, to the doctor, and, as best they could, had more than I needed!
    1. Maybe I should have been more obedient and respectful

                                                  i.      It is the RIGHT thing to do

                                                ii.      Honor them

                                              iii.      Respect them

                                              iv.      Obey them

        1. Makes your life easier
        2. Gives you longer life
          1. "The put you in this world, they can take you out!"
    1. This is the WILL OF GOD for you

                                                  i.      Disobedience is sin

                                                ii.      Talking SMACK about your parentals is SIN

                                              iii.      Rebellion is sin

  1. Dad's have responsibilities as well
    1. The GOOD DAD

                                                  i.      Disciplines their children

                                                ii.      Teaches their children

        1. Trades
        2. Crafts
        3. Hobbies
        4. FAITH
          1. The church is not primarily responsible for teaching your kids!

                                                                                                                          i.      YOU ARE

                                              iii.      DO NOT Provoke your children to anger

        1. Keep YOUR Cool
        2. Understand
        3. Listen
        4. Correct unacceptable behavior
          1. Don't try to beat it out of them

                                              iv.      The GOOD DAD is TOUGH but FAIR

                                                v.      The GOOD DAD LISTENS and LOVES and DOESN'T LEAVE

  1. Dads are absolutely necessary in our families today
    1. BE THERE
    2. Your place is at home

                                                  i.      Not in the bars

                                                ii.      Not running around till all hours

    1. Sure, enjoy your hobbies

                                                  i.      IF possible take your kids and wife!

  1. All of this is a reflection of how we should be with God
    1. Honor Him
    2. Respect Him
    3. Obey Him
    1. Christians are His children

                                                  i.      We have that right

    1. Yes, sometimes He disciplines us

                                                  i.      To correct our behavior and call us to Himself

    1. Yes, He teaches us

                                                  i.      Teaches

                                                ii.      Gifts us with skills, talents and abilities

    1. He LOVES us!

                                                  i.      Completely and Totally

                                                ii.      He is COMMITTED to us

        1. FOREVER
        2. Never will He abandon us

                                              iii.      He is TOUGH but FAIR

                                              iv.      He LISTENS and LOVES and DOESN'T LEAVE

    1. He is the MODEL FATHER we should seek to be


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